How do I make an app on appdesigner that when a button is pressed and the current time is later than an indicated time

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i need to make an app on appdesigner that when a button is pressed and the current time is later than an indicated time. e.g. i press button (timenow:8:00am) and (indicatedtime:7:00am) and since 8:00>7:00 it will display "you are late"

回答(1 个)

Kevin Holly
Kevin Holly 2022-2-23
You could create a pushbutton with the following callback:
% Button pushed function: Button
function ButtonPushed(app, event)
timenow = datetime('now');
indicatedtime = datetime('23-Feb-2022 08:00:00');
if timenow>indicatedtime
disp("You are late") % this will be displayed in command window.
app.Label.Text = "You are late"; % You could create a label component on your UI and change text as such


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