'Too many output arguments' when starting a new simulink script

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Whenever I create a blank simulink file or just open one from my assignments I get this text in the command window:
Warning: Too many output arguments.
> In slCustomizer/refresh
In slCustomizer/callRefresh
In slCustomizer>@()slCustomizer.callRefresh()
In slCustomizer.staticRefresh
In simulinkrc (line 51)
In Simulink.start_simulink
In connector.internal.fevalMatlab
In connector.internal.fevalJSON
ans =
'Error using slCustomizer.staticRefresh
An error occurred during Simulink customization.'
Error using load
Too many output arguments.
Error in prefutils (line 10)
[varargout{1:nargout}] = feval(varargin{:});
Error in getpref (line 62)
Preferences = prefutils('loadPrefs');
Error in vrgetpref (line 377)
edpref = getpref('VirtualReality', 'Editor', defaults.Editor);
Error in slblocks (line 7)
if strcmp(vrgetpref('Foundation3DPreview'), 'on') && ~isempty(which('sl3dlib'))
Warning: Too many output arguments.
Warning: The model name 'untitled' is shadowing another name in the MATLAB workspace or path. Type "which -all
untitled" at the command line to find the other uses of this name. You should change the name of the model to
avoid problems.
> In sltemplate.internal.request.createSimulinkModel
In connector.internal.fevalMatlab
In connector.internal.fevalJSON
Any clue as to why this is?
Thanks in advance


Benjamin Thompson
If you have a file called untitled.m or untitled.slx or untitled.mdl on your system, remove it.

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