FIR filtering & FFT processing for a signal

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Hi, I have the question below:
Part 1: 1) I do not know what to design the filters to be, based on what? 2) I am not sure if I displayed the magnitude spectrum correctly. 3) how do i process the signal by the filter?
Part 2: How do I filter by using FFT processing?
please find my code is in the M-FILE attached . Your help is appreciated.


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014-12-6
It looks like they don't care what filter you use. Why not just use a rect filter (a box)? You can do this with just convolving with ones.
firFilter = ones(1, 21)/21; % Or whatever window width you want.
out = conv(in, firFilter, 'same');
Take the FFT of both original and filtered signals and display them. Use subplot(2,2,n) to display the 4 signals all in one figure.
  5 个评论
MatlabGirl 2014-12-7
MatlabGirl 2014-12-7
can you please check if this is correct:
% Determine the first 50 samples of this signal
signal_first_50_samples= signal (1:50);
% Display its magnitude spectrum.
N = 2048;
signal_spect = abs (fft(signal_first_50_samples,N));
signal_spect = fftshift(signal_spect);
F = [-N/2:N/2-1]/N;
plot (F, signal_spect)
set(gca, 'XTick',[-0.5:0.1:1])
grid on;


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