I think my problem is quite simple but I cannot find an easy solution yet. I am currently trying to make a gui for several scripts I had made and I want this gui to be used by others in a very easy way i.e. I want them to just run a startup script and then only use the gui. I have a script assigned (only with its name) in a particular push button callback (grid_graph). Now inside this script, grid_graph.m the following can be seen:
Load_profiles (another script)
line_loading (another script)
Everything works fine and every variable from Load_profiles is properly recognised.But in the line_loading script two varialbes are generated if a certain contition occurs. Then inside the grid_graph script these appear :
if evalin('base','exist(''yellow_line'',''var'')')>0
If these variables are generated the gui does not recognise them and plots with green color. If I had run those scripts before using my gui the variables would be in base workspace and I could pass them one way or another. But in my case I want just the gui button to be pushed without using the base workspace. I would like to find a very effective way to pass those variables. I tried to declare them global but it didn't work out well. Also evalin wouldn't work in this case. Any ideas would be welcome, thank you very very much for your time!