Looping through cell array in order

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm drawing squares on a grid. The squares need to have an ID as set within a cell array. I was expecting the ID to loop through each ID in the cell in order by instead it cycles through in rows.
cell_id = cell(1, 2); % 1 x 5 cell array
cell_id{1, 1} = 1365;
cell_id{1, 2} = 1256;
cell_id{1, 3} = 6214;
cell_id{1, 4} = 2587;
cell_id{1, 5} = 1564;
hold on
for i = 1:2:12
count = 1;
for ii = 1:2:12
plot(1*i , 1*ii, 's', 'MarkerSize', 50);
if (count <= 5)
id = cell_id(1,count);
text(1*i, 1*ii, ['ID:',id]);
count = count + 1;
elseif (count > 5)
id = cell_id(1,1);
count = 1;
text(1*i, 1*ii, ['ID:',id]);
Any ideas, thanks.
  1 个评论
per isakson
per isakson 2014-12-10
编辑:per isakson 2014-12-10
  • Do you expect 4 rows times 6 columns of boxes?
  • Replace i by xx and ii by yy or something associated with directions
  • Set the axes limits before adding the boxes. It's confusing that the limits change all the time
  • And format the code properly. (I did it this time.)



Guillaume 2014-12-10
You appear to be a bit confused about a few things:
cell_id = cell(1, 2);
declares a 1 x 2 cell array, not a 1 x 5. Anyway, you could replace your first two lines with:
cell_id = {1365, 1256, 6214, 2587, 1564};
Secondly, you reset your count for each column, since it's set to one in the first for loop. You probably meant to do the assignment to 1 before the first loop.
Also, use more descriptive variables than i and ii. row and col would be better.
To sum it up:
figure; axis off; hold on;
cell_id = {1365, 1256, 6214, 2587, 1564};
count = 1;
for col = 1:2:12
for row = 1:2:12
plot(col, row, 's', 'MarkerSize', 50);
text(col, row, sprintf('ID:%d', cell_id{count}));
count = mod(count, numel(cell_id)) + 1;
  7 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014-12-11
I see no reason for a cell array at all. What about this requires cells instead of a simple numerical array?
Josh 2014-12-11
Oops, perfect thanks. Good explanation


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