Extended Kalman Filter converges to wrong values (super simple model)
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I am trying to implement an Extended Kalman Filter for an hydraulic/electric circuit that has a resistance (R) and a Capacitor (C) both are connected in parallel. Pressure and flow (voltage and current) are measured. Aim is to estimate R and C. The estimation of the EKF for C is with in the expected range, but the R is always of by a constant factor.
the ODE is: dp/dt = -p/CR + q/C (p is pressure (or voltage), q is flow (or current))
in discrete time the pressure for the next time step is: p = p + T(q/C-p/CR)
I tried two implementations that differ in the state selection:
1. x = [p, 1/C, 1/(C*R)] <-- off by factor 2
2. x = [p, 1/C, 1/R] <-- off by factor 3
for both the input is q and the output is p.
I double checked the equations, and played with different implementations for some days now, but R is always off. and i dont understand why. So it would be great to get some advice because i am running out of ideas.
The jacobians are:
1. state: [1 - Tx3, T u, -T x1 0, 1, 0 0, 0, 1]
2. state [1 - T*x3*x2, T(u-x1x3), -T x1x2 0, 1, 0 0, 0, 1]
It is implemented in simulink and the model is attached if anybody wants to have a look. (packed as zip because slx is not supported)
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John Petersen
You have a constant dt used in the filter, but the simulation is variable step. This will cause problems with your predictor. Fix this and then see how it goes.
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