How to slice a point cloud along z axis

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, i got the following question:
i have a crown tree point cloud and i need to slice along z axis with with 10 cm thickness. Finally, i need to calculate the volume by alpha shape algorithm for each individual slice.
How to solve these problem?
Thank you so much


Paola Donis Noriega
You can slice a point cloud along the z-axis as follows:
% Use the teapot point cloud as an example.
ptCloud = pcread('teapot.ply');
% Get the point cloud z limits.
minZ = ptCloud.ZLimits(1);
maxZ = ptCloud.ZLimits(2);
% Define the thickness of each slice.
thickness = 0.1;
% Use pcplayer to visualize the point cloud slices.
player = pcplayer(ptCloud.XLimits, ptCloud.YLimits, ptCloud.ZLimits);
% Use a for loop to select each point cloud slice.
for i = minZ:thickness:maxZ
% Get the logical indices of the points in each slice.
selectedIdx = ptCloud.Location(:, 3) >= i & ...
ptCloud.Location(:, 3) < (i + thickness);
% Select the point cloud slice using the indices.
ptCloudSlice = select(ptCloud, selectedIdx);
% Visualize the slice.
view(player, ptCloudSlice)
  5 个评论
stefano chiappini
Thank you so much. I have appreciated your support.
Chen Xinzhuo
Chen Xinzhuo 2023-2-8
编辑:Chen Xinzhuo 2023-2-8
Hi Stefano,
I also encountered the same problem recently.
I have tried but still don't know how to extract each point cloud slice.
I want to ask what method you use, please.
Thank you.


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