How can convert monthly data to 1 min data?

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Hope you are in good health!
My issue is: I have monthly data for 5 years (1995-2000) and I want to estimate those data to 1 min data. Also, i have 1 min data of more years (from 2001). I wonder if I can use a predictive model to predict the 1 min data from the monthly data and also using the 1 min data of the next years.
Hope someone has any idea.
Thank you
  2 个评论
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre 2022-3-18
There are two questions here. Could you and should you. I would be more concerned about the second one. I cannot think of any good way to take 5 years worth of monthly data and convert that into meaningful minute by minute data.
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2022-3-18
编辑:Adam Danz 2022-3-18
We don't have enough information to understand the problem. What are you measuring? Tree growth (slow)? Travel distance of falcons (fast)? Temperature in the arctic (varies by season)?
How does the minute-interval data relate to the month-interval data?


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