Find all the peaks higher than this threshold and save the corresponding range in a variable.

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have two plots on the same graph. The blue one is the MaxPerRangeBin and the red one is CfarThold.
I want to locate the peaks in blue which are higher than the red plot.
I have used islocalmax to locate all the peaks in MaxPerRangeBin , which is the logic I have to apply. Now, I have to just find out all the peaks which are just greater than red plot i.e. CfarThold.
I am sharing the snippet, along with the graph.
TF = islocalmax(data(i).MaxPerRangeBin,2);
aa(num_values,:) = data(i).MaxPerRangeBin(num_values,:);
peakvalue_MPRB = aa(TF(num_values,:));
  3 个评论
Sara Nasir
Sara Nasir 2022-3-23
files = dir('*.mat');
data = struct();
for i = 1:length(files)
result = load([files(i).folder,'\', files(i).name]);
for num_values= 1:length(
data(i).scanindex(num_values,:) =(;
data(i).MaxPerRangeBin(num_values,:) =;
data(i).CfarThold(num_values,:) =;
% extracting peaks
TF = islocalmax(data(i).MaxPerRangeBin,2);
aa(num_values,:) = data(i).MaxPerRangeBin(num_values,:);
peakvalue_MPRB = aa(TF(num_values,:));
plot(data(i).MaxPerRangeBin(1,:)); % Blue plot
hold on;
plot(data(i).CfarThold(1,:)); % Red plot



Star Strider
Star Strider 2022-3-23
idxv = 1:numel(data(i).MaxPerRangeBin(1,:)); % Index Vector
Lv = (data(i).MaxPerRangeBin(1,:)) >= (data(i).CfarThold(1,:)); % Logical Vector
TF = islocalmax(data(i).MaxPerRangeBin(1,Lv)); % Peaks Logical Vector
TFidx = find(TF); % Numeric Indices
PeakIndices{i} = TFidx; % Save Peak Index Values
  4 个评论
Sara Nasir
Sara Nasir 2022-3-23
Thank you Star Strider for the help. I was able to save the values in a structure.
all_peaks = uu( TF(num_values,:));
sorted_peaks = sort(all_peaks,'descend');
data(num_values).result = sorted_peaks; % saving to struct
c = ismember(Thold, sorted_peaks); % extracting x-values
[ data(num_values).scan_value, data(num_values).bins] = find(c);


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