Develop WGAN-GP for 3-D image

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, I am beginner in using MATLAB to develop generative adversarial networks (GANs). Based on the MATLAB WGAN-GP tutorial, I have developed a WGAN-GP model for 3-D images (H x W x D x C). The modified 'modelGradientsD' function is shown as below.
function [gradientsD, lossD, lossDUnregularized, D_X, D_G_Z1] = modelGradientsD(dlnetG, dlnetD, dlZ, dlX, lambda)
% Calculate the prediction for training images with D
dlYPred = forward(dlnetD, dlX);
% Calculate the prediction for G-generated images with D
dlXGenerated = forward(dlnetG, dlZ);
dlYPredGenerated = forward(dlnetD, dlXGenerated);
% Calculate D(X) and D(G(Z))
D_X = mean(dlYPred);
D_G_Z1 = mean(dlYPredGenerated);
% Calculate the unregularized loss
lossDUnregularized = D_G_Z1 - D_X;
% Get the interpolated image from the training and generated images
epsilon = rand([1 1 1 1 size(dlX,5)], 'like', dlX);
dlXInterpolated = epsilon.*dlX + (1-epsilon).*dlXGenerated;
dlYPredInterpolated = forward(dlnetD, dlXInterpolated);
% Calculate the gradient penalty
gradientsInterpolated = dlgradient(sum(dlYPredInterpolated), dlXInterpolated, 'EnableHigherDerivatives', true);
gradientsInterpolatedNorm = sqrt(sum(gradientsInterpolated.^2,1:4) + 1e-10);
gradientPenalty = lambda.*mean((gradientsInterpolatedNorm - 1).^2);
% Calculate the loss with gradient penalty
lossD = lossDUnregularized + gradientPenalty;
% Calculate the gradients of the loss with respect to learnable parameters
gradientsD = dlgradient(lossD, dlnetD.Learnables);
When running the program, however, an error pops up (as shown below). It seems that there is something wrong in calculating 'gradientsD'. After many debug attempts, I find that removing 'EnableHigherDerivatives' from calculating 'gradientsInterpolated' can make it. But the WGAN-GP perform not well, and I have several questions: (1) Does removing 'EnableHigherDerivatives' affect the model training significantly? (2) Is there robustness issue in the 'dlgradient' function? (3) Are there other solutions to this error?
I really appreciate it if you could offer any idea or suggestion. Thanks a lot!
Error using +
Arrays have incompatible sizes for this operation.
Error in gpuArray/internal_dlconv (line 57)
stride, dilation, numGroups) + bias;
Error in deep.internal.recording.operations.DlconvBackwardOp/backward (line 88)
ddZ2 = internal_dlconv(ddX,weights,zeroBias,op.Args{:});
Error in deep.internal.recording.RecordingArray/backwardPass (line 89)
grad = backwardTape(tm,{y},{initialAdjoint},x,retainData,false,0);
Error in dlarray/dlgradient (line 132)
[grad,isTracedGrad] = backwardPass(y,xc,pvpairs{:});
Error in WGANGP_V1>modelGradientsD (line 442)
gradientsD = dlgradient(lossD, dlnetD.Learnables);
Error in deep.internal.dlfeval (line 17)
[varargout{1:nargout}] = fun(x{:});
Error in dlfeval (line 40)
[varargout{1:nargout}] = deep.internal.dlfeval(fun,varargin{:});
Error in WGANGP_V1 (line 226)
[gradientsD, lossD, lossDUnregularized, D_X, D_G_Z1] = dlfeval(@modelGradientsD, dlnetG, dlnetD, dlZ, dlX, lambda);


Joss Knight
Joss Knight 2022-3-24
You definitely need to use EnableHigherOrderDerivatives here because you are including computed gradients in the loss term. Without it your training will not work correctly.
It looks like this is a bug with higher order derivatives and 3-D data, which is fixed in R2022a. Can you get the latest version of MATLAB?
  3 个评论
Joss Knight
Joss Knight 2022-4-2
I have requested for this to be fixed in a future update of R2021b.
Shuaibin WAN
Shuaibin WAN 2022-4-3
That sounds GREAT! Thank you so much, sir.


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