Saving to Arrays in for loop

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
AJ99 2022-3-23
编辑: AJ99 2022-5-20
Hi, I am trying to calculate four variables within a for loop. The goal is to find values for de and da, save each one into an individual array along with the initial a and e values, and then update a and e before starting again to obtain new values. ( I want arrays for a, e, de, da). The goal is to be able to plot each of these arrays against another array T. Any help is appreciated!


Torsten 2022-3-23
编辑:Torsten 2022-3-23
Qe = 12;
M = 1002;
aArr = zeros(M,1);
eArr = zeros(M,1);
daArr = zeros(M-1,1);
deArr = zeros(M-1,1);
T = [0:1000];
eArr(1) = 0.0549;
aArr(1) = 0.3844e9;
for m = 0:1000
deArr(m+1) = -(4.04562756e41 + (2.75561858e40)/Qe) * ((aArr(m+1))^(-13/2)) * eArr(m+1);
daArr(m+1) = -((8.09125512e41)*(eArr(m+1)^2) + ((1.16026046e40)/Qe)) * (aArr(m+1))^(-11/2);
%Cannot figure out how to save values to array for each iteration
eArr(m+2) = eArr(m+1) + (deArr(m+1) * 3.154e7);%ADVANCE SYSTEM
aArr(m+2) = aArr(m+1) + (daArr(m+1) * 3.154e7);
eArr = eArr(1:end-1);
aArr = aArr(1:end-1);
  3 个评论
Torsten 2022-3-23
编辑:Torsten 2022-3-23
format long
at the beginning of the script to see differences.


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