trainFaste​rRCNNObjec​tDetector training progress plot (option 'Plot' = 'training-progress') displays no data

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trainFasterRCNNObjectDetector training progress plot (option 'Plot' = 'training-progress') displays no data. The Training Time and Training Cycle sections of the plot actively update, but no data is displayed in the three plots, Accuracy, RMSE, Loss. There are no errors in the MATLAB output.

回答(1 个)

Pratik 2024-12-12,6:28
Hi Ross,
I found this MATLAB Answers post which describes a similar issue but for ' trainRCNNObjectDetector'. The ‘training-progress’ might not be available for PlotsProperty here as well.
Please refer to the Answer for a workaround and more information:
Also according to documentation of 'trainFasterRCNNObjectDetector' it not recommended from R2024b. Please refer to the following documentation for more information:


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