I figured out the issue, 'OutputFcn' must be added in Multistart, not fmincon. This also means using different syntax for the call:
% Fmincon problem
rng default % For reproducibility
opts = optimoptions(@fmincon);
problem = createOptimProblem( 'fmincon','objective', ...
@(x) x.^2 + 4*sin(5*x),'x0',3,'lb',-5,'ub',5,'options',opts);
% Run Problem
ms = MultiStart( 'Display','iter','OutputFcn', @fcontrol);
[ x, f ] = run(ms,problem,5);
function stop = fcontrol(optimValues, state)
x = optimValues.localsolution.X;
stop = false; % default continue
% x=b;