How to get input/output using the NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS USB 6008

14 次查看(过去 30 天)
I was wondering if anyone could help how to get input/output using the NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS (NI)USB 6008 device please in MATLAB. While we think we have been able to write to it, we have not been able to read from it. We need help with both?

回答(1 个)

Pravarthana P
Pravarthana P 2022-4-6
Hi Afsoon,
I understand that you are looking to read and write data using National Instruments USB 6008, the following links might help you:
  • List the available devices (daqlist)
  • Add channel (separately for input and output)
  • According to the signal of interest (Analog/Digital)
  • Send/ Receive data
  1. Analog
  2. Digital
For more information, do refer Data Acquisitiondocumentation.
Hope you find it useful!!
  1 个评论
Afsoon Fakhr Abdollahi
Dear Pravarthana,
Thank you for your reply. It would be appreciated if you could explain in depth of how to acess the input output features of the NI USB6008 device. In particular, we would like to know if an example MATLAB code is available somewhere.



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