Hi. I'm using matlab2020a 2 version
I want to build my matlab function dll for c# winform gui app.
My gui c#app will call matlab func dll(by adding dll to c#reference)
and by using data loaded by c#, I want to draw graph, get result values to c# app.
So, myquestion are below.
1. Can I build my matlab functions dll-files for c# winform app? 2. How can I manage event things between matlab dll-file and c# * of course i know matlab app... but now I'm making united tool using c# At first I tried to make app without matlab, but data is too large(1M point x- axis) and it has 50layers. Some data is empty. I'll use Matlab's normalize(meshgrid things)func and interpolation func and plot func in my matlab code.
Data is too large, to show all data on graph, Icannot deal with this using c# math lib only.