Global Optimization Problem with Simulink

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello. I created a program in simulink with a PID and I have to minimize the error modifying its parameters. This error is a vector of size 20001 * 1.
There is some block that I can use?
Or do I have to create a function in Matlab? In this case my objective function as the express? The carrier is not good, gives me error
Thank you

回答(1 个)

Arkadiy Turevskiy
You can use Simulink Design Optimization for that.
Take a look at this example .
  1 个评论
Andrea 2015-1-6
Thanks, the example is perfect.
I figured out how to put constraints but the block optimization just can not find it and I can not change it.
Thanks for your help.



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