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How do I convert a 5x4cell to a 5x4matrix?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Sam 2015-1-6
关闭: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021-8-20
In attachment is my example of the 5x4 cell. I want to create a 5x4 matrix of it. How do I do this?

回答(2 个)

Luuk van Oosten
Luuk van Oosten 2015-1-6
Hi Sam, have you tried
M = cell2mat(C)
  1 个评论
Sam 2015-1-6
编辑:Sam 2015-1-6
Yes, it doesn't work... "Error using cat Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent.
Error in cell2mat (line 86) m = cat(2,m{:});"

Guillaume 2015-1-6
Your 5x4 cell consists of vectors of different size totaling up 676 + 501 + ... + 358 = way more than 20 elements. A 5x4 matrix by definition only contains 20 elements.
In other words, what you want is not possible or you've not stated what you want correctly.
  2 个评论
Sam 2015-1-6
can I convert the 5x4cell to a 5x4struct?
Guillaume 2015-1-6
编辑:Guillaume 2015-1-6
You can:
s = struct('somefieldname', C);
The cell is probably easier to manipulate though.



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