comparison of two column vectors

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
sir/madam i have two column vectors, i want to compare element by element and want to know which is large or small.
please help me, how can i write command for it.

回答(1 个)

per isakson
per isakson 2022-4-9
编辑:per isakson 2022-4-9
An example
v1 = rand( 6,1 );
v2 = rand( 6,1 );
v1 > v2
ans = 6×1 logical array
1 0 0 1 1 1
This result tells us that the first, fourth, fifth and sixth element of v1 are larger than the corresponding elements of v2
  8 个评论
Chaudhary P Patel
Chaudhary P Patel 2022-4-19
@per isakson @Michael Kleder @Matt J Sir the real problem is, I have 2 type of Column vector of 6X1
sir i have to compare F_s <= F_r each elemet one by one and which satisfy the condition for that some other actions i have to take. So suggest me how can i do it element by element not a complete one.
Chaudhary P Patel
Chaudhary P Patel 2022-4-19
please @per isakson sir, suggest me how can i compare element by element?



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