Measure Euclidean Distance of mask in crack image

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi I'm a student and new to matlab. I found a crack detection code from this repo:
I want to measure the euclidean distance from one end to another. How can I do this? How am I going to detect the endpoints? Please help me.


yanqi liu
yanqi liu 2022-4-19
yes,sir,may be use bwlabel and regionpropers to get the center and BoundbingBox of two object,then compute the average distance to get the sim value
  1 个评论
Jhe Mag
Jhe Mag 2022-6-28
编辑:Jhe Mag 2022-6-28
Hi thank you so much. But I can't seem to imagine how am I going to implement it.
Also is it applicable to complex crack objects such as this one?


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