Stuck with electronic circuit simulation..

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Can someoane help me to simulate this circuit without using Simulink? Must be solved by using Kirkov's second Law..
  3 个评论
Serbianu 2015-1-11
mm, i uploaded it on Flickr
Star Strider
Star Strider 2015-1-11
That’s a simple series circuit. Use Laplace transforms for the element impedances and the forcing function ‘U(t)’ (that seems to be a d-c source), solve the circuit equation, take the inverse Laplace transform, and then simulate it with a vector of times. You want the initial transient response.



Shoaibur Rahman
Shoaibur Rahman 2015-1-11
R = 1; L = 1; C = 1; % replace by your values
w = 50; % replace by frequency
Z = R+1j*w*L+1./(1j*w*C); % impedence of the circuit
t = 0:0.1:10;
U = sin(t); % voltage
I = U/Z; % current
Now you can find voltages accross other elements.

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