ordinary differential equation

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
12ar.af 2011-9-29
i have an equation d(theta)/dt=((P*L^2)/(E*I))*sin(theta*D/L)
L=55.863; D=15.484; E=200*10^9; I=138; P=440*10^6
The initial theta at 1198 years is 0.010degrees.
i have to find theta from the year 1198 to 1990
can someone please help me.its urgent

回答(1 个)

Grzegorz Knor
Grzegorz Knor 2011-9-29
Use ode45:
L=55.863; D=15.484; E=200*10^9; I=138; P=440*10^6;
ode45(@(t,theta)((P*L^2)/(E*I))*sin(theta*D/L),[1198 1990],0.01)
  7 个评论
12ar.af 2011-9-29
Can we make the values into a table or something.like year and theta side by side?
Grzegorz Knor
Grzegorz Knor 2011-9-29
Yes, read one of my comment above.
[T THETA] = ode45(@(t,theta)((P*L^2)/(E*I))*sin(theta*D/L),[1198:1990],0.01);
disp([T THETA])



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