How to obtain simulation value in nnstart

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I used the 'nntool' for the development ANN predict model.
In nntool, I can obtain simulation value easily, but MATLAB software was updated to 2021 version.
In 2021 version, I cannot use 'nntool'.
However, I can't find the simulation value in nntool.
How to obtain it?

回答(1 个)

Nihal 2023-9-29
I understand you are having trouble while finding simulation values in 'nnstart' after training your model.
Also kindly Note that 'nntool' has been deprecated from version 2022a.
To get the simulation values in 'nnstart', click on "Export Model" -> "Export to Workspace" you will get all the values in your MATLAB workspace.
Please refer to the documentationnnstartdocumentation:
I hope this information resolves your query.


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