How to add text to a line in the plot?

189 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi all,
This code:
load('z_means'); load ('z_diffs'); load ('z_CR_ofmean')
figure ('color','w');
plot(z_means,z_diffs,'sr', 'MarkerSize', 9)
hold on
%Plot lines
plot(z_means,zeros(1,length(z_means)),'r', 'LineWidth', 0.7); %%%plot zero
plot(z_means, ones(1,length(z_means)).*z_CR_ofmean(1),'r--', 'LineWidth', 0.6); %%%plot the upper CR
plot(z_means, ones(1,length(z_means)).*z_CR_ofmean(2),'r--', 'LineWidth', 0.6); %%%plot the lower CR
% Add text
text(z_CR_ofmean, [mynum2str(z_CR_ofmean(1)) ''],'HorizontalAlignment','left','VerticalAlignment','middle','fontsize',6);
text(z_means, [mynum2str(z_means,2) ''],'HorizontalAlignment','left','VerticalAlignment','middle','fontsize',6);
text(z_CR_ofmean, [mynum2str(z_CR_ofmean(2))''],'HorizontalAlignment','left','VerticalAlignment','middle','fontsize',6);
Produces this:
and the error:
Error using text
First two or three arguments must be numeric doubles.
Wheareas I want:
  1. Add text to each line correctly (can be any text as an example). Can you help please?


Simon Chan
Simon Chan 2022-4-26
If they are horizontal lines, you can use function yline
By using this function, you can also add the text in the following example.

更多回答(1 个)

Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson 2022-4-26
With text you specify both the x and y-coordinate of the text. For example:
th = text(14,-0.5,'text-test that will start at x: 14, y: -0.5');
So you just need to specify an/the x-location before the specification of the y-location (z_CR_ofmean).


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