I use:
if isempty(gcp('nocreate'))
parpool([ 1, Inf ]);
... to create my parpool in my wrapper function, which gives me 4 workers on my desktop. The wrapper function calls a file foo.m, each copy of which in turn calls bar.m several times.
The wrapper function generates heavy data, which is required in bar.m on a purely read-only basis:
genSpline = griddedInterpolant({ gridData.xgv, gridData.ygv, gridData.zgv }, gridData.data, 'spline', 'spline');
val = genSpline(interPts);
When passed as an argument to bar.m via foo.m, each worker in the pool maintains its own private copy of genSpline, causing an enormous memory leak thanks to redundant data. However, the program works fine as such.
In an effort to work around this, I prefixed the def and use of gridData and genSpline with:
global gridData genSpline;
... as the documentation seems to suggest. However, this fails with:
'Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.'
... in bar.m. Reverting to passing via arguments proves that there is nothing wrong with interPts. Printlining the def and use of the version with the global variable gives this:
genSpline =
griddedInterpolant with properties:
GridVectors: {[1x41 double] [1x41 double] [1x12 double]}
Values: [41x41x12 double]
Method: 'spline'
ExtrapolationMethod: 'spline'
... implying that either the global variable isn't being set properly, or for some reason is inaccessible to bar.m. There is no distributed network involved, and all files are within the same directory, which is on the MATLAB (R2014a 64-bit UNIX) path. Any suggestions?
PS: The same approach towards declaring and using global variables works with a 'regular' 2x2 matrix.