Quiver on top of plot

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
Contoso Donoso
Contoso Donoso 2022-5-1
As shown in the attached figure, I have two meshes with different grid sizes: a gray grid and a pink grid. Four cells of the gray greed make one cell of the pink grid. I want to plot elevation points on the gray grid, and on top (pink grid), I want to plot a quiver. Since these two grids are different sizes, I have no idea if that is suitable to do or if there's a better way to do it. But I don't know how to do it either way. So please, I would appreciate your kind help. Thanks

回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022-5-1
See attached demo.
I'd make the underlying grid one color, then if you want another grid on top of it with different colors, I'd create it line by line with the line() or xline() or yline() functions.
  1 个评论
Contoso Donoso
Contoso Donoso 2022-5-2
Hello, Thank you for your answer, but it seems I didn't make my question clear enough, sorry for that.
The thing is that I want to plot elevation, and on top of that elevation, I want to plot a quiver.
The gray grid represents the elevation points which I would plot in color patches, and on top, I want to plot the quiver, but the quiver mesh is less dense than the elevation grind. They do coincide every 4 points, though. I do not need to plot the actual grids, it is just to represent de density of each data set.
I hope this explanation and the new image helps to give the right idea of my question.
Thanks in advance.



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