How can I write the results of my 'Video OCR' script to an excel document in the following format?

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Good Afternoon, I'm attempting to write a script that will
  • Break up a video into its component frames (Check)
  • Use the OCR function (computer vision toolbox) to find text in each of these frames (Check)
  • write this text to an excel document (this is where I am experiencing difficulty)
So for the sake of this question lets say that I am simply trying to write a script that will read names from the bottom of say a CNN video. I would have a series of names as such (John Doe firm x, Jane Doe firm y,...) and would like this written in an excel spreadsheet under column A(A1,A2,A3,...). Thus far I have only been able to have Matlab write the first frames recognized characters to excel which each character taking up its own column. Below I have copied my script thus far and additionally inserted a screenshot of my resultant excel file:
clear all
close all
vid=VideoReader('/Users/me/Documents/MATLAB/Video 2.mp4');
nFrames = vid.NumberOfFrames;
roi=[7 595 1273 93];
for f = 1:7
ocrResults(f) = ocr(frame,roi);
filename = 'textResults.xls';
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

回答(2 个)

Dima Lisin
Dima Lisin 2015-2-8
You can write your output into a .csv (comma-separated values) file using the csvwrite function. Excell can read a .csv file, and it will put every comma-delimited item into its own cell.

ayesha abbassi
ayesha abbassi 2018-3-13
thank you man... (y) this helps me..


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