2-D colormap (loading .txt files)

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Chalisa Mawla
Chalisa Mawla 2022-5-3
评论: KSSV 2022-5-5
I have the following code from my last assignment. The file names and types have been changed. The files like kx 0.txt and kx 10. txt have two lines of data like this
7.49481e+14 0.807996
7.39316e+14 0.798932
7.29422e+14 0.838482
7.1979e+14 0.868927
7.10409e+14 0.880881
I want to plot the first column of data as my y axis, and second column as my x axis, and to combine all files into a 2-D colot map like this (I will change this wavelength in the picture to frequency, and divide the numbers in the first column by 10^12,).
How I may change the lum.y0 into my first column of data and lum.x0 into my second column of data?
filenames={'kx 0.txt','kx 10.txt', 'kx 15.txt','kx 20.txt'} % here i have 50 .txt files like this
for i=1:numel(filenames)
t_data(:,i) = lum.y0
angle = linspace(0,0.5,51);
wav_leng = lum.x0.';
imagesc(angle,wav_leng,t_data); colormap turbo; axis xy;
ylabel('Freqency (THz)')
  5 个评论
Katherine Zheng
Katherine Zheng 2022-5-3
Hi Chalisa, your datais quite interesting.From 0-36, the data length is 402 and from 37 onwards, it becomes 201. I am not sure what you are looking for, to extract all the txt file into one matrix?
Chalisa Mawla
Chalisa Mawla 2022-5-4
Hi Katherine,
let me double check on this. I dont think they are of different lengths. Maybe its just the end of the data is all zeros.


回答(1 个)

KSSV 2022-5-4
thepath = 'kx values\*.txt' ;
files = dir(thepath) ;
N = length(files) ;
data = cell(N,1) ;
for i = 1:N
file = fullfile(files(i).folder,files(i).name) ;
data{i} = importdata(file) ;
data = cell2mat(data) ;
x = data(:,2) ;
y = data(:,1) ;
  4 个评论
Chalisa Mawla
Chalisa Mawla 2022-5-4
It doesnt say
It only says Index in position 2 exceed array bounds.
KSSV 2022-5-5
It seems, the text file which you are reading has only one column. Check the text file, which shows this error.



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