Create tables based on partial match in variable names in other table
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Hi Matlab-gurus,
I have a question on creating new tables based on partial matches in variable names from an original table. I'm trying with the strcmp-function and and eval-function. I know this is not optimal but it's my best shot for now. See below for my attached code. matchVals are the partial matches in the variable names that I consider when creating the new tables. The matchvals are on position 5 to 8 (see strcat).
Thanks in advance.
names5 = Table_A.Properties.VariableNames;%1
names6 = Table_B.Properties.VariableNames;%1
matchVals = {'1234', '5678','9101','1123'}; %part of the variable names that match => four new tables
numTables = numel(matchVals);
tableNames_ = cell(numTables,1);
for k = 1:numel(matchVals)
idl5 = cellfun(@(x) strcmp(x(5),matchVals{k})... %assessing position 5 to 10 for correct variable names
idl6 = cellfun(@(x) strcmp(x(5),matchVals{k})...%assessing position 5 to 10 for correct variable names
eval(['Summary',matchVals{k},' = [Table_A(:,idl5) Table_B(:,idl6)]']);
tableNames_EC2217{k} = ['Summary',matchVals{k}]; %trying to create new table
0 个评论
It's not clear why you want to split a single table into 4 tables, but here's one way:
T = readtable('m.xlsx');
matchVals = {'1234', '5678','9101','1123'};
n_match = numel(matchVals);
T_new = cell(1,n_match);
for k = 1:n_match
idx = contains(T.Properties.VariableNames,matchVals{k});
T_new{k} = T(:,idx);
T_new % cell array of tables
It would be better to index into the existing table:
for k = 1:n_match
idx = contains(T.Properties.VariableNames,matchVals{k});
% do what you need to do with T(:,idx)
11 个评论
T.Properties is a TableProperties object, essentially a scalar struct, so it doesn't make sense to try to index its columns with T.Properties(:,idx).
T = readtable('m.xlsx');
You can sum all the columns of T with variable names matching each element of matchVals, by doing sum(T{:,idx},2) (here I'm storing the sums in the struct array and also in new columns of T - two different options):
matchVals = {'1234', '5678','9101','1123'};
n_match = numel(matchVals);
S = struct('name',matchVals,'data',cell(1,n_match));
for k = 1:n_match
idx = contains(T.Properties.VariableNames,matchVals{k});
% sum all columns of T matching matchVals{k},
% store in data field of S(k):
S(k).data = sum(T{:,idx},2);
% --- or ---
% sum all columns of T matching matchVals{k},
% store in a new column of T called "sum_1234", etc.:
T.(['sum_' matchVals{k}]) = sum(T{:,idx},2);
head(T) % now T has new columns, sum_1234, etc.
S(1).data % now each S(k).data is a single column
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Sean de Wolski
Convert your cellstrs to strings
Then you can use any of the easy string matching functions like matches startsWith or any of the patterns.
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