Extracting values from a matrix

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi Hello, i hope eveyrone is doing good, i have a matrix (6100,1000) and i would like to extract some values , the rows of my matrix contains values but most of it's -300, e,g first row ( -300 -300 -300 ......... -124 -300 -300 -300) so i would like to extract 10 values that are not equal to -300, but in the case where i dont have other values i can take -300 only to fill it, basically i would like to do this for my whole matrix
thank you
  2 个评论
dpb 2022-5-13
You know what your intent is; we don't except by the description you post. There's too much not explained here -- for example, are you just wanting some number of values out of the total number that are in the file, selecting all of those that aren't -300 first irrespective of their position in the file? Or do you want the rows that have something other than -300 by row; a specific number of rows overall? Or...???
Give us a an example -- explain precisely what your expected output would be.
It would help to have a sample file -- attach a .mat file
MEHDI HAMIDI 2022-5-13
So, what i want, is to extract the 10 first not -300 values if there is, if there is not 10 values that are not equal to -300 i will take the -300 values only to fill my vector, the output should be 6100 vectors with a size of 10
i hope it is clear now



Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022-5-13
Do they need to be in any particular order? Otherwise just sort and take the first 10 elements. Like for a single row, do this:
sortedValues = sort(oneRow, 'descend');
first10 = sortedValues(1:10);
Can you supply a sample matrix?
  7 个评论
Jan 2022-5-14
@MEHDI HAMIDI: Or simpler without a loop:
SortedData = sort(Data, 2, 'descend')
MEHDI HAMIDI 2022-5-14
Yes that works also thanks for sharing with me your solution i really appreciate it sir


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