Hello everyone please I have a problem. How to declare a function with two variables in MATLAB and plot the evolution according to one variable after having fixed the other ??

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Hello everyone please I have a problem. How to declare a function with two variables in MATLAB and plot the evolution according to one variable after having fixed the other ??? For example I declare y = exp (-0.1xt + x) x sin (3x) after first declaring the variables x and t, I would like to plot the evolution of y as a function of x for t = 1, 2 and 3. Thank you Best regards !!!
I Wrote the following code
clear aller Close all x = linspace (0, 1, 25) t= linspace (0, 5, 500) y= exp (-0.1xt + x) x sin (3x) plot (x, c(1,:), 'bo', x,c(2,:), 'mo', x, c(3,:), 'co')
When on run the code the message issu Matrix dimension must agree


Michal 2022-5-18
Also, due to Matlab's explicit matrix expansion (I think that's waht they call it), you can simply use the dimensions to cereate your vectors for the different t values, like this:
x = 1:100;
t = [15;20;25]; % a different dimension from x
y = exp(-0.1*x.*t+x).*x*3.*sin(x); % each row of y is y=f(x) for the corresponding t
Is this what you were after?

更多回答(1 个)

Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2022-5-18
Because one is 1x25, and the other is 1x500. Now both are 1x100.
x = linspace(0, 1, 100);
t = linspace(0, 5, 100);
y = exp(-0.1*x.*t + x).*x.*sin(3*x);
plot(x, y)


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