Combining two matrices with different sizes

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have two matrices: M1(176x2x7) double and M2(369x2x27). The 176 column is 250:600 (interval of 2) and the 369 column is 230:598 (interval of 1). I would like the M1 to replace M2 (: , : ,1:7) and make sure the data is 0 for the odd numbers after the replacement for (: , : ,1:7). Could anyone please tell me how to do it.
Thank you very much!
  6 个评论
David Hill
David Hill 2022-5-19
A simple example would be helpful. What about the other columns? Are all the 1st columns of M1 in the 3rd dimension the same? (250:2:600)'
Cheuk Yin Wong
Cheuk Yin Wong 2022-5-22
The two matrices M1(176x2x7) (:,1,:) is from 250:600 with an increment of 2. M2 (:,1,:) is from 230:598 with an increment of 1. I would like the (:,1,:) of the two matrices to match (so both of them are 230:598 with an increment of 1 now), and replace M2 (:,:,1:7) with M1 to form a new M3 (369x2x27). For the mising data in M1, I would just like to fill these with 0. Sorry for the confusion - I hope this is clearer now.



Matt J
Matt J 2022-5-19
编辑:Matt J 2022-5-19
M3(250:2:600,:,:)=M1; %replace M2 with M1
M3(1:2:end,:,:)=0;%odd numbers are zero

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