Hi William,
To plot bar graph in App Designer you can make use of UIAxes along with UITable.
You can either plot the selected row from the UITable in the bar graph or you can plot all the rows from UITable.
1) Plotting the selected row.
Use "CellSelectionCallback" of the UITable to plot a bar graph when row is selected.
You can add the following code in "CellSelectionCallback"
function UITableCellSelection(app, event)
indices = event.Indices;
if ~isempty(indices)
selectedRow = indices(1);
compliance = app.UITable.Data{selectedRow, 2};
risk = app.UITable.Data{selectedRow, 3};
% Plot bar graph
bar(app.UIAxes, [compliance, risk]);
app.UIAxes.XTickLabel = {'Compliance', 'Risk'};
2) Plotting all rows.
Use "StartupFcn" callback of application to call a function that will plot the bar graph.
Refer to the example code below to plot al rows of UITable.
% In your app's StartupFcn or initialization code
function startupFcn(app)
% Sample data for the UITable
data = {
'Patient 1', 20, 30;
'Patient 2', 35, 45;
'Patient 3', 50, 60;
app.UITable.Data = data;
% Plot all rows in a bar chart
plotAllRowsBarChart(app, data);
% Function to plot all rows in a bar chart
function plotAllRowsBarChart(app, data)
% Extract numeric data
numData = cell2mat(data(:, 2:end));
bar(app.UIAxes, numData);
app.UIAxes.XTickLabel = data(:, 1);