set parametre fractional Transfer Function block

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how i can chage parametre of fenominator og fractional Transfer Function block using set parametre on matlab work space
set_param('FOPID_Model3eme_critq/LOW','Denominator','[1 11 32 25]');
i have this error
Fractional Transfer Function block (mask) does not have a parameter named 'Denominator'
  2 个评论
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2022-5-30
as the dialog windows shows, there is no 'Denominator' field .
Try with 'Pole polynomial' instead (read the doc)



Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2022-5-31
@bilel kanzari, try if this works:
set_param('FOPID_Model3eme_critq/LOW', 'polePoly', 's^3.3 + 11s^1.7 + 32s + 25');

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