Why do the eul2quat and quaternion functions differ on the calculated results?

26 次查看(过去 30 天)
The following discussion is all about external rotation, which corresponds to the point rotation in matlab:
I use the built-in functions "eul2quat" and "quaternion" for quaternion conversion of the same set of Euler angles data, but the results are slightly different and the signs are also different? How can I explain this, thanks in advance!
format long
eulars = [-0.001180313 -0.1101197 -3.122032;
-0.001413606 -0.1086281 -3.119092;
-0.001928661 -0.1062565 -3.116415];
a = eul2quat(eulars,'XYZ') % first X, then Y, final Z ?
a = 3×4
0.009797824155183 0.055023629743008 -0.001127456560182 -0.998436343315603 0.011271864801883 0.054275960421124 -0.001316453379056 -0.998461482549404 0.012621931438076 0.053086905293953 -0.001631383177894 -0.998508791109027
b = quaternion(eulars,'euler','XYZ','point') % first X, then Y, final Z ?
b = 3×1 quaternion array
0.00973287223990636 - 0.0550351559117731i + 5.1011347229122e-05j - 0.998436978586816k 0.0111951287419489 - 0.0542918401622062i + 9.4978608694494e-05j - 0.99846234589158k 0.0125195213825984 - 0.0531111499712373i + 0.000294403625928257j - 0.998510080399586k
But I changed the order of eul2quat to "ZYX" and it seems that the differences in values are equal, but the output quaternions are in the opposite order.
a_OK = eul2quat(eulars,'ZYX') % first X, then Y, final Z , but the output order is a bit counter-intuitive, in the form of [w,z,y,x]
a_OK = 3×4
0.009732872239906 -0.998436978586816 0.000051011347229 -0.055035155911773 0.011195128741949 -0.998462345891580 0.000094978608694 -0.054291840162206 0.012519521382598 -0.998510080399586 0.000294403625928 -0.053111149971237


Brian Fanous
Brian Fanous 2022-5-26
Quick takeaways :
  • Both eul2quat and the quaternion class use intrinsic rotations.
  • eul2quat([a b c], 'XYZ') is equivalent to quaternion([a b c], 'euler', 'XYZ', 'frame')
Some more details about the quaternion class:
Frame Rotations
When you type quaternion([a b c], 'euler', 'XYZ', 'frame') that means find a quaternion q, such that
for a 3-by-1 vector v and rotation matrices R. (Obviously v on the right hand side is a pure quaternion with imaginary parts equal to v). The right hand side is quaternion frame rotation - hence frame in the quaternion() call. Also note that is the rotation matrix that rotates the frame of reference clockwise around the x axis by a. A new reference frame is achieved after each subsequent rotation because (as noted above), rotations are intrinsic.
Point Rotations
When you type quaternion([a b c], 'euler', 'XYZ', 'point') that means find a quaternion q, such that
for a 3-by-1 vector v and rotation matrices T. (Again, v on the right hand side is a pure quaternion with imaginary parts equal to v). The right hand side is quaternion point rotation - hence point in the quaternion() call. Also note that is the rotation matrix that rotates a point clockwise around the x axis by a. Note here that

更多回答(3 个)

Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2022-5-25
Hi @cui
I remember that previously we have talked about that Euler angles and quaternion are not unique. You need to check the rotation matrix. See example below:
eul = [-0.001180313 -0.1101197 -3.122032]
qXYZ = angle2quat(eul(1), eul(2), eul(3), 'XYZ')
dcm1 = angle2dcm(eul(1), eul(2), eul(3), 'XYZ')
dcm2 = quat2dcm(qXYZ)
dcm1 - dcm2
  2 个评论
cui,xingxing 2022-5-25
Right, the previous discussion was that the Euler angles are not unique, but the rotation matrix is. This time I think the quaternion should also be unique, thank you for your answer,@Sam Chak, what is the function "angle2dcm" in your code? Angle to quaternion?
Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2022-5-25
angle2dcm converts the rotation angles to direction cosine matrix (aka rotation matrix). https://www.mathworks.com/help/aerotbx/ug/angle2dcm.html
angle2quat converts rotation angles to quaternion, and it works similarly like eul2quat.


Paul 2022-5-25
编辑:Paul 2022-5-26
Hi cui,
I think that both eul2quat and quaternion('frame') are using, right-handed, intrinsic rotations and the sequence of rotations is in the order of the sequence argument to those functions. Furthermore, eul2quat is doing a frame rotation.
Define three Euler angles
theta = rand(1,3);
Quaternion using eul2quat, intrinsic angles are: first around Z, second around Y', third around X''.
q1 = eul2quat(theta,'ZYX')
q1 = 1×4
0.9404 0.1646 0.1866 0.2317
Quaternion based on frame rotation
q2 = quaternion(theta,'euler','ZYX','frame');
ans = 1×4
0.9404 0.1646 0.1866 0.2317
So those two are the same.
The confusion, at least for me, comes in when generating the associatied direction cosine matrices (DCMs). I'm going to generate a DCM that I understand as a frame rotation for the intrinsic ZYX sequence
Zrot = [cos(theta(1)) sin(theta(1)) 0; -sin(theta(1)) cos(theta(1)) 0;0 0 1];
Yrot = [cos(theta(2)) 0 -sin(theta(2)); 0 1 0; sin(theta(2)) 0 cos(theta(2))];
Xrot = [1 0 0;0 cos(theta(3)) sin(theta(3)); 0 -sin(theta(3)) cos(theta(3))];
DCMp = Xrot*Yrot*Zrot;
Given a vector v resolved in coordinate frame xyz expressed in a column, DCMp resolves that same vector into frame x''y''z'' via post-multiplication by v
v = rand(3,1);
vp = DCMp*v;
That works the same using q2
DCM2 = rotmat(q2,'frame');
v2 = DCM2*v
v2 = 3×1
0.6642 -0.2641 0.4664
However, the doc page for quat2rotm says that DCM1 is used by pre-multiplying by transpose(v), which is actually called "post-multiply format" here! (side note: I very much dislike this idea of pre-multiplication by a row vector). So we'll do that, and then transpose the result to get it back to column vector for comparison
DCM1 = quat2rotm(q1);
v1 = (v.' * DCM1).';
Compare the results, they are very, very close.
format long e
[vp - v1, vp - v2]
ans = 3×2
1.0e+00 * 1.110223024625157e-16 0 5.551115123125783e-17 -1.110223024625157e-16 -1.110223024625157e-16 -5.551115123125783e-17
So, we see that angle inputs to eul2quat define a right-handed, frame rotation, but we have to be careful about the pre- and post-multiplication convention.
  5 个评论
Paul 2022-5-27
Since you aksed, and thanks for doing so ....
Please keep in mind that I don't claim to be familiar with all of the relevant toolboxes and doc pages. But from just poking around in response to this Question ....
Each relevant toolbox (Navigation, Aerospace, UAV, etc.) should have a standalone section that desribes the the conventions and definitions used for that toolbox.
The function doc pages in a toolbox that have anything to do with roation matrices need to clearly state if the convention is post-multiply by column or pre-multiply by row, unless the toolbox only ever uses one convention, which can be stated clearly in the standalone section. Similarly, for point/frame. Each doc page related to rotations should have a link back to the standalone page.
In at least one instance, the meaning of pre-mutiply by row was called a "post-multiply format," which was confusing.
It would be good for the standalone section to explicitly write out the single axis rotations (e.g., the R_x, R_y, R_z in your answer above) that the toolbox uses, and perhaps adopt different notaton for the elemental frame (R ) vs. point (T, as in your answer) if appropriate.
To answer your specific question, yes, have the doc define frame and point rotation as you've done in your Answer would be extremely helpful.
I do realize that documenting everything consistently and clearly across all relevant toolboxes could be a daunting task ...


cui,xingxing 2022-5-25
"eul2*" series of built-in functions such as the order and expression of customary way ambiguous, for the time being, do not discuss the use of the function, waiting for the official documentation update to clarify.
Typical problems such as rigid3d object rotation matrix for postmultiply form, rotx/y/z, eul2* series functions for premultiply form.The form is not uniform, easy to cause misunderstanding, the best way to write their own rotation matrix


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