corrplot plotting on strange x and y axes values

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a dataset (Metdata, attached) that I want to use corrplot (attached) with.This works but the X axis and Y is much larger for the scatter plots. It seems that it gets stuck on the histogram x and y axes. For example the visibility plots x-axis go over 2000, but visibility values < 500. Is there a way to change the axes values without zooming in independently on each plot?
Matlab version: Matlab R2013a
  1 个评论
Ryan 2019-2-8
I am having the exact same problem. I have a 12 x 12 correlation plot. All of which have data points compressed to the left so that you cannot see any trend at a glance. The data range in some plots only goes up to 500, yet the axis extends to 3000. Did you find a solution to this?


回答(1 个)

Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2019-2-8
编辑:Adam Danz 2019-2-8
Yeah, this is annoying.
You can loop through each scatter plot and set the x and y limits to the x,y ranges within the data. Since the x and y data ranges are the same within rows and within columns, you'll still have identical axis limits within rows and columns. This example uses the "MetData" dataset proivided by the OP.
[~, ~, h] = corrplot(MetData); %grab handle to plot objects
lineHandles = h(strcmp(get(h, 'type'), 'line')); %get handles for scatter plots only
% Loop through each scatter plot
for i = 1:numel(lineHandles)
x = lineHandles(i).XData; %x data
y = lineHandles(i).YData; %y data
xlim(lineHandles(i).Parent, [min(x), max(x)]); % set x limit to range of x data
ylim(lineHandles(i).Parent, [min(y), max(y)]); % set y limit to range of y data
% To convince yourself that the axis scales are still the same within rows/cols,
% include these two lines of code that will display tick marks.
%lineHandles(i).Parent.Position(3:4) = lineHandles(i).Parent.Position(3:4) * .8;
%set(lineHandles(i).Parent, 'XTickMode', 'auto', 'XTickLabelMode', 'auto', 'YTickMode', 'auto', 'YTickLabelMode', 'auto')
% now take care of the x axis limits of the histogram plots
histHandles = h(strcmp(get(h, 'type'), 'histogram')); %handles to all hist plots
% loop through hist plots
for j = 1:numel(histHandles)
x = histHandles(j).BinEdges; %bin edges
xlim(histHandles(j).Parent, [min(x), max(x)]); %set x limits
190208 113356-Figures - Figure 1.jpg
Not sure why the last histogram has tiny bins (that's not from my code).
  4 个评论
Carlos Borau
Carlos Borau 2021-12-9
This worked but at least in my case I needed to tweak manually the x limits to adjust the x labels at the bottom.
In the histHandle loop I added:
curr_fig.Children(nvars*nvars+(nvars+1)).UserData{1}(nvars,j).XLim = histhandles(j).BinLimits;
nvars = numel(histHandles)
curr_fig = gcf
(be aware, not the handle returned by the corrplot function!). That UserData field stores several axes, some of them repeated. Maybe there is a more elegant way to do it, but I could not find it.
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2021-12-9
Thanks for your comment, Carlos. Why did you need to adjust the x-axis limits? The histogram bins should have different axis limits than the scatter plots. For example, the x-axis limits for the 4x4 axes in my answer are shown below. Each column of axes contain the same x-axis limits except along the diagonal which contains the histograms (same with the rows of the y-axis limits, not shown). The xlim of historgrams should include the xlim of the scatter axes but they don't have to be the same.
[ 0 510] [0 14.3] [0.7 21.5] [0 3.8]
[1.3 500] [0 14.5] [0.7 21.5] [0 3.8]
[1.3 500] [0 14.3] [0.5 21.5] [0 3.8]
[1.3 500] [0 14.3] [0.7 21.5] [0 3.8]
To see the xlims for your plot,
[~, ~, h] = corrplot(___);
ax = arrayfun(@(h)ancestor(h,'Axes'), h); % axis handles
reshape(get(ax, 'xlim'),size(h)) % xlim array



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