Richardson extrapolation for time scheme

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I am solving an equation by using finite volume method :
I am writing a linear system in order to solve it by using a forward euler scheme in time. The scheme is written as :
It is a semi-implicit scheme as the derivative of the Q term is writing in the time (n+1). We end up with a linear system to solve as :
My question is now : how to write the code that is related to this scheme in order to use a Richardson extrapolation ?
I have read some papers in order to understand the method but I have some misunderstandings... For instance, if we evaluate the value of the function u at time step h and the value of this same function in the time step 2h we can write the exact value of that one is trying to compute as :
(k is the order of approximation of the method)
I don't know how I can implement it in my code since I am basically computing a time loop solving the linear system at each time step. Moreover : the exact solution of my problem is unknown...
Nx = 100; % Number of grid points
L = 10; % Length of interval
x = linspace(0, L, Nx+1); % Grid points
dx = x(2) - x(1); % Spatial step
t = 0; % Initial time
dt = 0.1; % Time step
t_final = 30; % Final time
Nt = t_final/dt;
h_new = zeros(1,Nx+1); % h at new time
h_old = zeros(1,Nx+1); % h at old time
c = dt/(dx^2); % Constant
epsilon = 1e-7; % condition
% Initialization of the linear system
A = zeros(Nx+1, Nx+1);
b = zeros(Nx+1,1);
solution = zeros(Nt,Nx+1);
% Stationnary condition
for i=1:Nx+1
h_old(i)= (1-((x(i)/L)).^2).^2;
%% Solving AU=b
% Time loop
while t<=t_final
% Matrix elements
for i=2:Nx
A(i,i-1) = -c*((h_old(i)+h_old(i-1))/2)^3;
A(i,i+1) = -c*((h_old(i)+h_old(i+1))/2)^3;
A(i,i) = 1 +c*((h_old(i)+h_old(i+1))/2)^3+c*((h_old(i)+h_old(i-1))/2)^3;
A(1,1) = (1+2*c*((h_old(1)+h_old(2))/2)^3);
A(1,2) = -2*c*((h_old(1)+h_old(2))/2)^3;
A(Nx+1,Nx+1) = 1;
% b vector elements
for i=1:Nx
b(i) = h_old(i);
b(Nx+1) = epsilon;
h_new(:) = linsolve(A, b);
% Update of h_old.
h_old(:) = h_new;
% Time iteration.
t = t+dt;
Could someone help me to do so please ? And understand the implementation of the method.
  14 个评论
Karl Zero
Karl Zero 2022-5-30
@Torsten it may seem dumb but in fact the result plotted by the main code is a matrix nammed solution which is :
solution = zeros(Nt,Nx+1 );
because there is a solution calcuted on Nx+1 points for each time step (in the while loop )
So for instance the line :
M(:,1, 1) = Euler_implicit(t, t_final, dt );
returns an error of size (which is legit ) :
Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 101-by-1 and the size of the right side is 300-by-101.
However, i don't understand how to avoid it ....
Torsten 2022-5-30
编辑:Torsten 2022-5-30
You only need h for t = t_final in the Richardson function. Thus "solution" should be initialized as zeros(Nx+1,1) in Euler_implicit.
Maybe of interest for you:
format long
tStart = 0; % Starting time
tEnd = 5; % Ending time
f = @(t,y) -y^2; % The derivative of y, so y' = f(t, y(t)) = -y^2
% The solution to this ODE is y = 1/(1 + t)
y0 = 1; % The initial position (i.e. y0 = y(tStart) = y(0) = 1)
tolerance = 10^-11; % 10 digit accuracy is desired
maxRows = 20; % Don't allow the iteration to continue indefinitely
initialH = tEnd - tStart; % Pick an initial step size
haveWeFoundSolution = false; % Were we able to find the solution to within the desired tolerance? not yet.
h = initialH;
% Create a 2D matrix of size maxRows by maxRows to hold the Richardson extrapolates
% Note that this will be a lower triangular matrix and that at most two rows are actually
% needed at any time in the computation.
A = zeros(maxRows, maxRows);
%Compute the top left element of the matrix. The first row of this (lower triangular) matrix has now been filled.
A(1, 1) = Trapezoidal(f, tStart, tEnd, h, y0)
% Each row of the matrix requires one call to Trapezoidal
% This loops starts by filling the second row of the matrix, since the first row was computed above
for i = 1 : maxRows - 1 % Starting at i = 1, iterate at most maxRows - 1 times
h = h/2; % Halve the previous value of h since this is the start of a new row.
% Starting filling row i+1 from the left by calling the Trapezoidal function with this new smaller step size
A(i + 1, 1) = Trapezoidal(f, tStart, tEnd, h, y0);
for j = 1 : i % Go across this current (i+1)-th row until the diagonal is reached
% To compute A(i + 1, j + 1), which is the next Richardson extrapolate,
% use the most recently computed value (i.e. A(i + 1, j)) and the value from the
% row above it (i.e. A(i, j)).
A(i + 1, j + 1) = ((4^j).*A(i + 1, j) - A(i, j))/(4^j - 1);
% After leaving the above inner loop, the diagonal element of row i + 1 has been computed
% This diagonal element is the latest Richardson extrapolate to be computed.
% The difference between this extrapolate and the last extrapolate of row i is a good
% indication of the error.
if (abs(A(i + 1, i + 1) - A(i, i)) < tolerance) % If the result is within tolerance
%print('y = ', A(i + 1, i + 1)) % Display the result of the Richardson extrapolation
haveWeFoundSolution = true;
break % Done, so leave the loop
if (haveWeFoundSolution == false) % If we were not able to find a solution to within the desired tolerance
print("Warning: Not able to find solution to within the desired tolerance of ", tolerance);
print("The last computed extrapolate was ", A(maxRows, maxRows))
function y = Trapezoidal (f,tStart,tEnd,h,y0)
t = tStart:h:tEnd;
n = numel(t)
y = y0;
yold = y;
for i = 2:n
fun = @(y)y - yold - 0.5*h*(f(t(i-1),yold)+f(t(i),y));
y = fsolve(fun,yold);
yold = y;


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