- R2021b: https://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/supportpkg/arduino_ug/remotely-monitoring-and-controlling-an-application-on-hardware.html
- R2024b (latest release as of now): https://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/supportpkg/arduino_ug/remotely-monitoring-and-controlling-an-application-on-hardware.html
error while using "simulink support package for arduino hardware"
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i got the following error when i'm trying click on monitor and tune
"Error occurred while executing External Mode MEX-file 'ext_comm': Failed to connect to the target. A time-out occurred while waiting for the connection response from the target. Possible reasons for the time-out: a) The target is not switched on. b) The target is not connected to your host machine. c) The application for the model is not running on the target. You might have clicked the Stop button. If the Run button is not dimmed, click it. Otherwise, click the Build button, which downloads and runs your application on the target."
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回答(1 个)
Kautuk Raj
From my observation, you are experiencing a connection issue while using the Simulink Support Package for Arduino Hardware during the ‘Monitor and Tune’ process.
This error message suggests that Simulink is having trouble communicating with the target board. A common cause of this issue during the runtime of an external mode simulation is high communication bandwidth usage, which can lead to temporary loss of connection.
To address this problem, consider updating MATLAB to version R2021a or later. This update introduces a new External Communication Interface called 'XCP on serial'. You can find documentation on the External Communication protocol through the links below in the respective releases:
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