Is it possible to set the animation speed of the test sequence editor via command line?

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
The test sequence editor is the interface for customization of a "Test Sequence" block in Simulink.
The objective is to set the animation speed of different "Test Sequence" blocks to none via a script, which iterates for every test harnesses present in a given folder.
Is it possible to set the animation speed of the test sequence editor via command line? What is the property to access this information?
Thanks in advance!
  1 个评论
Pat Canny
Pat Canny 2022-6-8
I am not aware of any property of a Test Sequence block which would allow you to set the animation speed (it is not available via sltest.testsequence.getProperty() ).
I have passed along your question to the Simulink Test team.


回答(1 个)

Pat Canny
Pat Canny 2022-6-8
There is no specific function to change the Test Sequence animation speed, but you can use set_param with the Test Sequence block open:
Other options are 'fast','medium','slow'. I am not sure if 'none' is an option...
Note that this changes the animation speed of the Test Sequence block, but does not update the animation speed setting in the UI.
  2 个评论
António Nunes
António Nunes 2022-6-9
Thank you for the response.
Already verified your suggestion and running your command does change the file (I deduce the animation speed parameter changes) but it does not lead to any practical consequence, neither in the UI (as you said) neither when running the Test Sequence Editor, since the animation speed of the run is the one defined in the UI.
Bottom-line question: Does the animation speed setting of a test sequence block influence the performance, when running a test case via test manager?
Pat Canny
Pat Canny 2022-6-10
Yes, the animation speed setting will influence the simulation performance when running a test case in Test Manager. The simulation will take longer to finish is the animation speed is set to “slow” than “lightningfast”.



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