Can I run matlab, interacting with its GUI, on another PC?

18 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a very small and old PC, which I use mostly as a terminal to interact with servers, which are very powerful instead. They run windows, and I cannot connect to them graphically (if not just occasionally, e.g. when I need to set them up).
I need to run matlab, and I need to run it on that server. How do I achieve that? Can I install matlab both on my pc and on that server and tell my matlab "run the actual code on the other computer, as a worker" in a kind of "parallel computing toolbox" fashion? Is there any other way? I can open any ssh tunnel to that server, if it helps, but not run ssh -x, as it's windows. BTW, my programs also make use of compiled mex functions.
I have academic campus licenses, so I can use all releases of matlab and the number of licenses is not an issue.
  2 个评论
Jan 2022-6-21
"I cannot connect to them graphically" - why not? With RDP or VNC the problem is trivial to solve.
Luca Presotto
Luca Presotto 2022-6-21
Because under windows only 1 user at a time can connect using RDP or VNC.
Given that we have 16 physical cores, we'd like to use this PC in at least 2 at a time.


回答(2 个)

Jan 2022-6-21
  3 个评论
Raymond Norris
Raymond Norris 2022-6-21
I agree with Jan's suggestion.
@Luca Presotto you mentioned MEX-files -- are all the machines running the same OS?
Jan 2022-6-22
If you want to keep all data on the server, VNC or RDP is the best choice. What about using a server version of Windows? You are violating the license agreement of Windows, if you access the computer with 2 sessions ate the same time.
An Alternative is to install a bare-metal Windows Server to run two HyperV machines on the server. As far as I remember the HyperV-Server can be used for free:


Luca Presotto
Luca Presotto 2022-6-22
@Raymond Norris, they're both windows. "Client" is windows 10, "server" is windows 11 however.
  1 个评论
Raymond Norris
Raymond Norris 2022-6-22
Then MEX-files shouldn't be a problem. I would agree with Jan's suggestion of using MATLAB Parallel Server.



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