What is the cause of the error using privimporthdl when converting verilog to simulink?

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What is causing the error when trying to convert verilog files to simulink?
Displaying stack trace:
Error using privimporthdl
• In privimporthdl
• In importhdl (line 78)
/* =================== Begin of the Verilog-A code of compact model "oTFT" ========================================= */
`include "constants.vams"
`include "disciplines.vams"
// Uncomment one of the following three lines, in order to have the oTFT model with reduced access nodes by instantiation.
module oTFT(G,S,D); //The simplest 3-terminal oTFT model, only with nodes G,S,D for gate, source and drain terminals, respectively (use for circuit simulations)
// module oTFT(G,S,D,GI,SI,DI); // oTFT model with terminal and intrinsic nodes available (no test terminals for inspection of internal quantities of the model)
// module oTFT(G,S,D,testGND,testSIGNAL); //oTFT model with terminal and test nodes available (change the end of the code to select and route quantity to the test terminals)
// module oTFT(G,S,D,GI,SI,DI,testGND,testSIGNAL); // oTFT model with all nodes available (for research and troubleshooting). Comment this line, if one of the above three lines is uncommented.
parameter real version_oTFT = 2.0401; // oTFT model version = 2.04.01
electrical G,D,S; // terminals of the TFT for connection in circuits
electrical GI,DI,SI; // internal terminals of the TFT channel, for inspection only
electrical virtualNode; // virtual node for summing capacitive currents of the quasi-static model. The node is grounded, since the sum of currents to this node is zero +/- numerical errors
electrical testGND, testSIGNAL; // test nodes for monitoring, isolated from the oTFT model. See and modify end of the code to select and route quantity to the test terminals
parameter integer np=+1 from [-1:1] exclude 0; //TFT polarity, np=+1 for n-type TFT, np=-1 for p-type TFT
parameter real W=100.0e-6 from (0:inf); // channel width in [m] (default W=100um)
parameter real L=10.00e-6 from (0:inf); // channel length in [m] (default L=10um)
parameter real CI=0.00035 from [0:inf); // unit-area capacitance of the gate dielectric in [F/m^2]; 0.00035F/m^2 = 35nF/cm^2 (default, 100nm SiO2)
parameter real VT=0 from (-inf:inf); // threshold voltage in [V] with its polarity (default VT=0 V)
parameter real uo=0.1e-4 from (0:inf); // (low-field) mobility in [m^2/Vs] at gate overdrive Vgamma=1V=np*(VGgamma-VT). Default uo=0.1e-4 m^2/Vs=0.1 cm^2/Vs.
parameter real Vgamma=1.0 from (0:inf); // Gate overdrive voltage in [V] for uo. Default, Vgamma = 1.0 V.
parameter real gamma=0.6 from [0:inf); // Mobility enhancement factor [numerical exponent]. Default, gamma=max(0,2*To/T-2)=0.6, for To~400K and T~300K.
parameter real VSS=1.0 from (0:inf); // sub-threshold slope voltage in [V], VSS[V/Np]=dV/d(ln(ID))= 0.43(gamma+2)V/dec = V/dec for gamma=0.33.
// parameters for terminal to channel contacts
parameter real RC=100.0e3 from (0:inf); // minimum contact resistance at one contact (to the channel)
parameter real RCmax=300.0e3 from [0:inf); // elevation of contact resistance at low currents. Typically, RCmax=3*RC. RCmax=0 for constant resistance=RC.
parameter real ICmax=1e-9 from (0:inf); // max current for max contact resistance of value=(RC+RCmax). Typically, ICmax is in nA-range.
parameter real nIC=0.75 from [0.125:4]; // reduction exponent for RCmax. Meaningful values: nIC=0.5=SCLC; nIC=1=constant voltage drop.
parameter real RGmin=1.0 from (0:inf); // negligible gate contact resistance.
// Unlikely necessary, but one can increase RGmin in kOhm-MOhm range to introduce a pole in the frequency response of the transconductance gm=dIDS/dVGS
// parameters for channel modulation
parameter integer nSCLC=4 from [4:5] exclude 5; // Selector for channel modulation model. nSCLC=4 is only implemented: gamma model with CL=eB*eo/pi/L
parameter real eB=2 from [0:inf); //relative permittivity of the medium in the back of the semiconducting film, eB~2, for channel modulation.
`define CL eB * `P_EPS0 / `M_PI / L
//CL=eB*eo/pi/L, fringing capacitance in the back of the semiconducting film, eB~2
// parameters for leakage
parameter real eBleak=0.5 from [0:inf); //relative permittivity of the medium in the back of the semiconducting film, eBleak~0.5 ~ (eB~2)/4, for leakage.
// eBleak is used to calculate fringing capacitance CLL=eBleak*eo/pi/L in the back of the semiconducting film for leakage.
`define CLL eBleak * `P_EPS0 / `M_PI / L
parameter real VTL=0 from (-inf:inf); // threshold voltage in [V] with its polarity for leakage, ideally VTL=VT (default VTL=0 V)
parameter real RBS=10.0e12 from (0:inf); // [Ohm/square] Sheet resistance of the bulk of the semiconducting film, for Ohmic leakage
`define Vmin 10.0e-6
//Vmin [V] should be about 2-4 times the absolute tolerance for voltage of the simulator
// Quasi-static model parameters.
// The quasi-static model is for static charges, not for capacitances. Geometrical (overlap) capacitances are added.
// In principle, DC parameters should fully determine the quasi-static model. For convenience, constants are defined
`define CG0 W*L*CI
// CG0 [F] is the gate dielectric capacitance over the entire channel area of the TFT. CG0="CG zero"
parameter integer selectQS=1 from [0:1]; // selectQS=0 suppresses the quasi-static capacitances. The quasi-static charges are still calculated.
// Overlap capacitances (usually dominate over quasi-static and other capacitances in TFT)
parameter real LOV=30.0e-6 from [0:inf); // Geometrical overlap of gate conductor with drain/source contact pad. LOV is approximately the length of the pads perpendicular to channel width W
`define COV CI*W*LOV
// COV=CI*W*LOV [F] = Overlap capacitance between gate conductor and drain/source contact pad. These COV are the dominant capacitances in TFT, since LOV>(2-3)L.
parameter real eBov=1 from [0:inf); //relative permittivity of the medium in the back of the semiconducting film for geometrical capacitance between drain and source terminals, eBov~1 ~ (eB~2)/2.
`define CDSOV W * 2 * eBov * `P_EPS0 / `M_PI
// CDSOV [F] is geometrical capacitance between drain and source contact pads. It is small, not exceeding twice the fringing capacitance at the "back" of the semiconducting film
// variables
real VGTS, VGTD; // for generic TFT charge drift DC model, etc. VGTS~np*(VG-VT-VS) and VGTD~np*(VG-VT-VD) are overdrive voltages at source and drain ends of the intrinsic channel of the TFT
real VSSS, VSSD; // sub-threshold slope voltage for VGTS and VGTD. In sub-threshold regime VSSS=VSSD=VSS. Above threshold, VSSS=VSS+VGTS/32 and VSSD=VSS+VGTD/32, to ensure no overflow of exp(VGT_/VSS_), _=S or D
real IDSgen; // Channel current per the generic TFT charge drift DC model
real numerator, denominator, fDeltaID; // for channel modulation
real VSSSLF, VGTSLF, VSSDLF, VGTDLF; // VSS_ and VGT_for forward leakage diode. (See above VGTS, VGTD, VSSS and VSSD)
real VSSSLR, VGTSLR, VSSDLR, VGTDLR; // VSS_ and VGT_for reverse leakage diode. (See above VGTS, VGTD, VSSS and VSSD)
real contactIC, contactVC; // current and voltage across one contact of drain/source terminals
real QG,QS,QD; // quasi-static charges of gate, source and drain terminals
real ksiS, ksiD, ksiG; // normalized overdrive voltages for quasi-static charges
real den, numS, numD; // denominator and numerators of the normalized functions of QS and QD
analog begin
/* ============ Generic TFT charge drift DC model ============ */
// Source overdrive voltage
VSSS = sqrt(pow(VSS,2) + pow((np*(V(GI) - VT - V(SI)) + abs(V(GI) - VT - V(SI)))/64,2)); // To ensure VGT_/VSS_ <32, so that not overflowing exp(VGT_/VSS_) at high bias and small VSS
VGTS = VSSS * ln(1+exp(np*(V(GI) - VT - V(SI))/VSSS)); // Source overdrive voltage
// Drain overdrive voltage
VSSD = sqrt(pow(VSS,2) + pow((np*(V(GI) - VT - V(DI)) + abs(V(GI) - VT - V(DI)))/64,2)); // To ensure VGT_/VSS_ <32, so that not overflowing exp(VGT_/VSS_) at high bias and small VSS
VGTD = VSSD * ln(1+exp(np*(V(GI) - VT - V(DI))/VSSD)); // Drain overdrive voltage
// Generic TFT charge drift DC model
I(DI,SI) <+ np*W/L*uo/pow(Vgamma,gamma)*CI*(pow(VGTS,gamma+2)-pow(VGTD,gamma+2))/(gamma+2); // Generic TFT charge drift DC model
/* ============ Contact model ============ */
// Connect TFT terminals to intrinsic nodes through contact resistances. The model for contact resistance is R(I)=RC+Rmax*(ICmax/(ICmax+|I|))^nIC
V(G,GI) <+ RGmin*I(G,GI); // negligible gate contact resistance
V(G,GI) <+ 0 *I(G,GI) * pow(ICmax/(ICmax + abs(I(G,GI))),nIC); // non-linear gate contact resistance is set to zero (ignored)
V(S,SI) <+ RC * I(S,SI); // constant (minimum) source contact resistance
V(S,SI) <+ RCmax*I(S,SI) * pow(ICmax/(ICmax + abs(I(S,SI))),nIC); // non-linear source contact resistance
V(D,DI) <+ RC * I(D,DI); // constant (minimum) drain contact resistance
V(D,DI) <+ RCmax*I(D,DI) * pow(ICmax/(ICmax + abs(I(D,DI))),nIC); // non-linear drain contact resistance
/* ============ Channel modulation ============ */
I(DI,SI) <+ np*W/L*uo/pow(Vgamma,gamma)*6*`CL*(pow(VGTS,gamma+2)-pow(VGTD,gamma+2))/(gamma+2); // first component of channel modulation current
I(DI,SI) <+ W/L*uo/pow(Vgamma,gamma)*6*`CL*(V(DI)/2+V(SI)/2-V(GI)+VT)*(pow(VGTS,gamma+1)-pow(VGTD,gamma+1))/(gamma+1); // second component of channel modulation current
numerator = abs(pow(VGTS,3+2*gamma)-(3+2*gamma)*pow(VGTS,2+gamma)*pow(VGTD,1+gamma)+(3+2*gamma)*pow(VGTS,1+gamma)*pow(VGTD,2+gamma)-pow(VGTD,3+2*gamma));
denominator = abs(pow(VGTS,2+gamma)-pow(VGTD,2+gamma)) + pow((1+3)*`Vmin,2+gamma); //
fDeltaID = numerator/denominator;
I(DI,SI) <+ W/L*uo/pow(Vgamma,gamma)*6*`CL*(V(DI)-V(SI))*fDeltaID/2/(gamma+1)/(3+2*gamma); // third component of channel modulation current
/* ============ Channel leakage ============ */
// The leakage and off currents between drain and source terminals are defined as currents independent of gate bias
// The leakage model is based on back-film capacitance CLL=eBleak*eo/pi/L, eBleak~0.5 ~ (eB~2)/4
// resulting in anti-parallel connection of two TFT diodes for leakage due to CLL. The "gate" capacitance of these two leakage TFT is CI=6CLL
// Resistor RBS*L/W is also added for Ohmic leakage between drain and source, due to conductance of the bulk of the semiconducting film.
// Ohmic (linear) leakage
I(D,S) <+ V(D,S) * W / L / RBS; // Ohmic leakage in the bulk of the semiconducting film, between D and S
//I(DI,SI) <+ V(DI,SI) * W / L / RBS; // Ohmic leakage in the bulk of the semiconducting film, between DI and SI
// Forward leakage diode
VSSSLF = sqrt(pow(VSS,2) + pow((np*(V(D) - VTL - V(S)) + abs(V(D) - VTL - V(S)))/64,2)); // To ensure VGT_/VSS_ <32, so that not overflowing exp(VGT_/VSS_) at high bias and small VSS
VGTSLF = VSSSLF * ln(1+exp(np*(V(D) - VTL - V(S))/VSSSLF)); // Source overdrive voltage for forward leakage diode
VSSDLF = sqrt(pow(VSS,2) + pow((np*(V(D) - VTL - V(D)) + abs(V(D) - VTL - V(D)))/64,2)); // To ensure VGT_/VSS_ <32, so that not overflowing exp(VGT_/VSS_) at high bias and small VSS
VGTDLF = VSSDLF * ln(1+exp(np*(V(D) - VTL - V(D))/VSSDLF)); // Drain overdrive voltage for forward leakage diode
I(D,S) <+ np*W/L*uo/pow(Vgamma,gamma)*6*`CLL*(pow(VGTSLF,gamma+2)-pow(VGTDLF,gamma+2))/(gamma+2); // TFT generic for forward leakage diode, between D and S
//I(DI,SI) <+ np*W/L*uo/pow(Vgamma,gamma)*6*`CLL*(pow(VGTSLF,gamma+2)-pow(VGTDLF,gamma+2))/(gamma+2); // TFT generic for forward leakage diode, between DI and SI
// Reverse leakage diode
VSSSLR = sqrt(pow(VSS,2) + pow((np*(V(S) - VTL - V(S)) + abs(V(S) - VTL - V(S)))/64,2)); // To ensure VGT_/VSS_ <32, so that not overflowing exp(VGT_/VSS_) at high bias and small VSS
VGTSLR = VSSSLR * ln(1+exp(np*(V(S) - VTL - V(S))/VSSSLR)); // Source overdrive voltage for reverse leakage diode
VSSDLR = sqrt(pow(VSS,2) + pow((np*(V(S) - VTL - V(D)) + abs(V(S) - VTL - V(D)))/64,2)); // To ensure VGT_/VSS_ <32, so that not overflowing exp(VGT_/VSS_) at high bias and small VSS
VGTDLR = VSSDLR * ln(1+exp(np*(V(S) - VTL - V(D))/VSSDLR)); // Drain overdrive voltage for reverse leakage diode
I(D,S) <+ np*W/L*uo/pow(Vgamma,gamma)*6*`CLL*(pow(VGTSLR,gamma+2)-pow(VGTDLR,gamma+2))/(gamma+2); // TFT generic for reverse leakage diode, between D and S
//I(DI,SI) <+ np*W/L*uo/pow(Vgamma,gamma)*6*`CLL*(pow(VGTSLR,gamma+2)-pow(VGTDLR,gamma+2))/(gamma+2); // TFT generic for reverse leakage diode, between DI and SI
/* ============ Quasi-static charge model ============ */
//Generic quasi-static charge model of the TFT for computer simulators. QG, QS and QD are the quasi-static charges of gate, source and drain terminals
// normalized overdrive voltages: ksiS = VGTS/(VGTS+VGTD); ksiD = VGTD/(VGTS+VGTD);
ksiS = sqrt(pow(VGTS,2)+pow(`Vmin,2)) / (sqrt(pow(VGTS,2)+pow(`Vmin,2))+sqrt(pow(VGTD,2)+pow(`Vmin,2))); // normalized overdrive voltages for source
ksiD = sqrt(pow(VGTD,2)+pow(`Vmin,2)) / (sqrt(pow(VGTS,2)+pow(`Vmin,2))+sqrt(pow(VGTD,2)+pow(`Vmin,2))); // normalized overdrive voltages for drain
ksiG = ksiS + ksiD; // this quantity should be always equal to unity. Not used, therefore
// den, numS, numD; // denominator and numerators of the normalized functions of QS and QD
den = pow((pow(ksiS,(2+gamma))/(2+gamma)-pow(ksiD,(2+gamma))/(2+gamma)),2); // denominator of the normalized functions of QS and QD
numS = (pow(ksiS,5+2*gamma)/(5+2*gamma))/(2+gamma)-(pow(ksiS,3+gamma)/(3+gamma))*(pow(ksiD,2+gamma)/(2+gamma))+(pow(ksiD,5+2*gamma)/(5+2*gamma))/(3+gamma); // numerator of the normalized function of QS
numD = (pow(ksiS,5+2*gamma)/(5+2*gamma))/(3+gamma)-(pow(ksiS,2+gamma)/(2+gamma))*(pow(ksiD,3+gamma)/(3+gamma))+(pow(ksiD,5+2*gamma)/(5+2*gamma))/(2+gamma); // numerator of the normalized function of QD
// real QG,QS,QD; // quasi-static charges of gate, source and drain terminals
QS = np*(-`CG0)*(VGTS+VGTD)*sqrt((pow(numS,2)+pow(((1+ksiS)*`Vmin/6),2))/(pow(den,2)+pow(`Vmin,2))); // quasi-static charge of source terminal
QD = np*(-`CG0)*(VGTS+VGTD)*sqrt((pow(numD,2)+pow(((1+ksiD)*`Vmin/6),2))/(pow(den,2)+pow(`Vmin,2))); // quasi-static charge of drain terminal
QG = -(QS+QD); // The quasi-static charge of gate terminal is inverted sum of the quasi-static charges of source and drain terminals (charge conservation)
// (capacitive) currents due to variation of quasi-static charges.
// Currents are summed to virtual node "virtualNode".
// The sum of currents is zero, but numerical rounding can cause non-zero net flow of currents into the virtualNode. Therefore, the virtualNode is grounded.
I(G,virtualNode) <+ ddt(QG)*min(1,selectQS); // (capacitive) current in gate terminal due to variation of the gate quasi-static charge
I(S,virtualNode) <+ ddt(QS)*min(1,selectQS); // (capacitive) current in source terminal due to variation of the source quasi-static charge
I(D,virtualNode) <+ ddt(QD)*min(1,selectQS); // (capacitive) current in drain terminal due to variation of the drain quasi-static charge
V(virtualNode) <+ 0; // ground the virtual node
/* ============ Overlap capacitances ============ */
// Overlap capacitances usually dominate over quasi-static and other capacitances in TFT
// COV=CI*W*LOV [F] = Overlap capacitance between gate conductor and drain/source contact pad. These COV are the dominant capacitances in TFT, since LOV>(2-3)L.
I(G,S) <+ `COV * ddt(V(G)-V(S)); // Gate-source overlap capacitance
I(G,D) <+ `COV * ddt(V(G)-V(D)); // Gate-grain overlap capacitance
// CDSOV=W*2*eBov*eo/pi ~ 2*`CL*W*L [F] is geometrical capacitance between drain and source contact pads. It is small, not exceeding twice the fringing capacitance at the "back" of the semiconducting film
I(D,S) <+ `CDSOV * ddt(V(D)-V(S)); // Drain-source overlap capacitance (usually negligible)
/* ============ Monitor of quantities ============ */
// If you wish monitoring internal quantities in the oTFT model, then use test nodes testGND and testSIGNAL. Examples are given below.
// The test terminals are available, if instantiating the oTFT model with the test nodes, e.g.
// module oTFT(G,S,D,GI,SI,DI,testGND,testSIGNAL); // oTFT model with all nodes available
// module oTFT(G,S,D,testGND,testSIGNAL); // oTFT model with terminal and test nodes available
// The test terminals can be used pushing current from testGND to testSIGNAL. Connect testGND to circuit ground.
// Connect 1 Ohm resistor between testSIGNAL and ground and monitor the current through the resistor.
// (Missing to connect testGND and testSIGNAL to a circuit, it will possibly force the simulator to place gmin to these nodes, or ground the nodes. Do not care, because
// the test nodes are isolated from the model, and the oTFT model will properly operate.)
I(testGND, testSIGNAL) <+ 0; // The default is monitoring nothing. Uncomment one of the following lines to monitor one of the quantities in the oTFT model.
// monitor contact voltage drop
//I(testGND, testSIGNAL) <+ (+np*(V(SI)-V(S))); // monitor voltage magnitude on source contact, converted to current, 1A=1V. It duplicates monitoring of potentials by all-node instantiation oTFT(G,S,D,GI,SI,DI...)
//I(testGND, testSIGNAL) <+ (-np*(V(DI)-V(D))); // monitor voltage magnitude on drain contact, converted to current, 1A=1V. It duplicates monitoring of potentials by all-node instantiation oTFT(G,S,D,GI,SI,DI...)
//I(testGND, testSIGNAL) <+ (V(SI)-V(S))-(V(DI)-V(D)); // monitor sum of voltage drops on both source and train contacts, converted to current, 1A=1V.
// monitor quasi-static charges
// I(testGND, testSIGNAL) <+ np*(+QG/(`CG0*VGTS)); // = (2+gamma)/(3+gamma) = 0.72222 for gamma=0.6 in saturation regime
// I(testGND, testSIGNAL) <+ np*(-QS/(`CG0*VGTS)); // = (2+gamma)/(5+2gamma) = 0.41935 for gamma=0.6 in saturation regime
// I(testGND, testSIGNAL) <+ np*(-QD/(`CG0*VGTS)); // = (2+gamma)^2/[(2+gamma)*(5+2gamma)] = 0.30287 for gamma=0.6 in saturation regime
// monitor quasi-static capacitances. Connect an AC source with unit amplitude (A=1) and frequency (f, as set by AC simulation) at one (x) of the TFT terminals, x=gate, drain or source.
// I(testGND, testSIGNAL) <+ ddt(QG)/(`CG0 * `M_TWO_PI); // normalized CGx/CG0 * f : gate capacitance due to voltage variation of x-terminal, x=gate, drain or source, depending where the AC source is.
// I(testGND, testSIGNAL) <+ ddt(QS)/(`CG0 * `M_TWO_PI); // normalized CSx/CG0 * f : source capacitance due to voltage variation of x-terminal, x=gate, drain or source, depending where the AC source is.
// I(testGND, testSIGNAL) <+ ddt(QD)/(`CG0 * `M_TWO_PI); // normalized CDx/CG0 * f : drain capacitance due to voltage variation of x-terminal, x=gate, drain or source, depending where the AC source is.
// I(testGND, testSIGNAL) <+ I(virtualNode); // monitor numerical error for (capacitive) currents in the quasi-static model. Ideally, I(virtualNode) = ddt(QG) + ddt(QS) + ddt(QD) = 0.
end // of "analog begin"
endmodule // module oTFT;

回答(2 个)

编辑:UDAYA PEDDIRAJU 2024-1-15
Hi Panagiotis,
I understand that you’re facing an issue while converting the Verilog design to Simulink model, the error you are encountering when trying to convert Verilog files to Simulink using “privimporthdl” is likely due to an issue with the Verilog code itself.
To troubleshoot the issue, you can consider the following steps:
1. Syntax Error: The Verilog code might contain syntax errors. Make sure that the input HDL file does not contain any syntax errors, is synthesizable, and uses constructs that are supported by HDL import.
2. Unsupported Constructs: If you specify more than 1024 inputs to a Multiport Switch block that gets inferred from the Verilog code, Verilog import generates an error. The error is generated because the Simulink modelling environment does not support more than 1024 inputs for the block.
3. File Parsing: There might be issues with how the “importhdl’ function is parsing the specified Verilog files.
4. Verify File Dependencies: Make sure that all required files, such as “constants.vams” and “disciplines.vams,” are present and check if these files are accessible and located in the correct directory.
5. Confirm Compatibility: Ensure that the Verilog code you are trying to convert is compatible with the version of Simulink and the HDL support package you’re using. Check for any compatibility issues or updates for the specific versions of the software and the Verilog code.
You can refer the below documentations:
  1. https://www.mathworks.com/help/hdlcoder/ug/hdl-import-import-hdl-code-and-generate-simulink-model.html.
  2. https://www.mathworks.com/help/hdlcoder/ug/supported-verilog-constructs-for-hdl-import.html.
  3. https://www.mathworks.com/help/hdlcoder/ref/importhdl.html.
I hope this helps!

Abhishek Kumar Singh
This error is due to the use of Verilog-A code instead of synthesizable Verilog code when trying to convert Verilog files to Simulink. The importhdl function utilizes synthesizable Verilog code, not Verilog-A code.
At present, there is no straightforward method to import or simulate Verilog-A code in MATLAB/Simulink. You can check out the solution provided here, but you will need to confirm if it is suitable for your specific application:


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