Accessing cell array contents

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dave O
Dave O 2022-6-30
评论: Rik 2022-6-30
I have a one-dimensional cell array where each element of the array contains a timetable with identical format. Is there a direct way of creating a vector that contains the last element of one specific variable in each timetable (without looping)?
For example, something like:
  2 个评论
Dave O
Dave O 2022-6-30
编辑:Dave O 2022-6-30
Thanks for your reply, Rik and Adam!
Rik 2022-6-30
You're welcome. If either answer solved your problem, feel free to mark it as accepted answer. If the other was helpful as well, consider giving it an upvote.



Rik 2022-6-30
编辑:Rik 2022-6-30
No. You could use cellfun, but that will only hide the loop. Using a loop directly tends to have better efficiency.
But don't worry: loops are not as bad as you might think (especially if you pre-allocate the output). They are only bad when there isn't a builtin equivalent that operates on the entire array.
  1 个评论
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2022-6-30
+1 Rik, @Dave O if a loop is more readable to you than cellfun, go with the loop.


更多回答(1 个)

Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2022-6-30
In this example, the cell array is named myCellArray and the variable is named myVar.
y = cellfun(@(A)A.myVar(end), myCellArray)
If the values you are extracting are non-numeric or non-scalar,
y = cellfun(@(A){A.myVar(end)}, myCellArray)


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