Load an arb waveform in agilent 33220a generator in MATLAB-visa with low sampling rate
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I have been trying to load an arbitrary waveform in function generator using MATLAB (visa). However, I dont obtain the waveform that I have designed. The code used is given below. I initially tested the code with a simple sine wave of 1Hz. However, the wave generated is of very much higher frequency (of the order of kHz). I suspect it is due to much lower sampling frequency. The 50Mbps sampling rate of the function generator creates a huge amount of data, that cannot be handled by MAtlab. Also, I ultimately want to create a chirp with 1000 sec sweep time. For that, I need to reduce the sampling rate of the generator .Please provide me the commands for the same. The codes I used is given below-
fgen = visa('AGILENT','USB0::0x0957::0x0407::MY44048510::0::INSTR'); set (fgen,'OutputBufferSize',100000); fopen(fgen);
%Query Idendity string and report fprintf (fgen, '*IDN?'); idn = fscanf (fgen); fprintf (idn) fprintf ('\n\n')
%Clear and reset instrument fprintf (fgen, '*RST'); fprintf (fgen, '*CLS');
% Create arb waveform fprintf('Generating Waveform...\n\n')
sRate = 100;
ch = []; for t = 0:1/sRate:10 c = sin(t); y = num2str(c); s5 = sprintf(', %s',y); ch = ch s5; end
%combine all of the strings % s = rise width fall low; s = ch;
% combine string of data with scpi command arbstring =sprintf('DATA VOLATILE %s', s);
%Send Command to set the desired configuration fprintf('Downloading Waveform...\n\n') fprintf(fgen, arbstring); %make instrument wait for data to download before moving on to next %command set fprintf(fgen, '*WAI'); fprintf('Download Complete\n\n')
%Set desired configuration. fprintf(fgen,'VOLT 2'); % set max waveform amplitude to 2 Vpp fprintf(fgen,'VOLT:OFFSET 0'); % set offset to 0 V fprintf(fgen,'OUTPUT:LOAD 50'); % set output load to 50 ohms fprintf(fgen,'FREQ 1'); %set frequency to 1KHz fprintf(fgen,'DATA:COPY TEST16385, VOLATILE'); fprintf(fgen,'FUNC:USER VOLATILE'); fprintf(fgen,'FUNC:SHAP USER');
%Enable Output fprintf(fgen,'OUTPUT ON'); % turn on channel 1 output
% Read Error fprintf(fgen, 'SYST:ERR?'); errorstr = fscanf (fgen);
% error checking if strncmp (errorstr, '+0,"No error"',13) errorcheck = 'Arbitrary waveform generated without any error \n'; fprintf (errorcheck) else errorcheck = ; fprintf (errorcheck) end
%closes the visa session with the function generator fclose(fgen);
I used the following command to reduce the sampling rate- sRate = 100; fprintf(fgen,'SOURCE1:FUNCtion:ARB:SRATe ' num2str(sRate)) The program shows an error at this line
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