Not changing angle value

11 次查看(过去 30 天)
Esila Darci
Esila Darci 2022-7-12
Hello all,
I am putting two sets of variable and conditions. If conditions satisfy then it should show that respective value, but it shows only the respective value from "allpossibleV" only and for angle it shows only 0 to 1 only but it should show at all 0 , 1 , 2, 3, 4 , and 5 . Anyone can help me here?
Unrecognized function or variable 'deltax'.
allPossibleV = [25 : 1 : 26]
for vIndex = 1 : length(allPossibleV)
V_new = allPossibleV(vIndex);
splitterangle = [0 : 1 : 5]
for i=1:n
X1=deltax(i,1); X2=deltax(i,2);
for angleIndex = 1 : length(splitterangle)
angle_new = splitterangle(angleIndex)
opposite_side = sind(angle_new)*0.102;
separation_distance = opposite_side + 0.015;%
if X1<X3 && X2>X3
disp([' Successful at ' num2str(allPossibleV(i)) ' and ' num2str(splitterangle(i)) ' angle'])
  4 个评论
Stephen23 2023-12-30
编辑:Stephen23 2023-12-30
Original question by Esila Darci retrieved from Google Cache:
Not changing angle value
Hello all,
I am putting two sets of variable and conditions. If conditions satisfy then it should show that respective value, but it shows only the respective value from "allpossibleV" only and for angle it shows only 0 to 1 only but it should show at all 0 , 1 , 2, 3, 4 , and 5 . Anyone can help me here?
Unrecognized function or variable 'deltax'.
allPossibleV = [25 : 1 : 26]
for vIndex = 1 : length(allPossibleV)
V_new = allPossibleV(vIndex);
splitterangle = [0 : 1 : 5]
for i=1:n
X1=deltax(i,1); X2=deltax(i,2);
for angleIndex = 1 : length(splitterangle)
angle_new = splitterangle(angleIndex)
opposite_side = sind(angle_new)*0.102;
separation_distance = opposite_side + 0.015;%
if X1<X3 && X2>X3
disp([' Successful at ' num2str(allPossibleV(i)) ' and ' num2str(splitterangle(i)) ' angle'])
Original comment retrieved from Google Cache:
@Rik , thanks.
deltax has the function that given the following value
0.0153799925086085 0.0165703972540118 (at 25 allPossibleV)
0.0133063614315573 0.0179011999654362 (at 26 allPossibleV)
but why in the output it is showing only
angle_new = 0
X3 =0.015
angle_new =1
X3 = 0.0167801454566029
Successful at 25 and 0 angle
angle_new = 2
X3 =0.0185597486636551
Successful at 25 and 0 angle
angle_new = 3
X3 =0.0203382675367803
Successful at 25 and 0 angle
angle_new = 4
X3 =0.0221151603219008
Successful at 25 and 0 angle
angle_new =5
X3 =0.0238898857602611
Successful at 25 and 0 angle
angle_new = 0
X3 = 0.015
Successful at 26 and 1 angle
angle_new =1
X3 =0.0167801454566029
Successful at 26 and 1 angle
angle_new =2
X3 = 0.0185597486636551
Successful at 26 and 1 angle
angle_new = 3
X3 = 0.0203382675367803
Successful at 26 and 1 angle
angle_new =4
X3 = 0.0221151603219008
Successful at 26 and 1 angle
angle_new =5
X3 =0.0238898857602611
Successful at 26 and 1 angle
However, as you can see the angle_new always changes 0 ,1,2,3,4, and 5 but in the sentence, it always 0 and 1 angle "Successful at 25 and 0 angle" and "Successful at 26 and 1 angle". So it should change like
"Successful at 25 and 0 angle"
"Successful at 25 and 1 angle"
"Successful at 25 and 2 angle"
"Successful at 25 and 3 angle"
"Successful at 25 and 4 angle"
"Successful at 25 and 5 angle"
"Successful at 26 and 0 angle"
"Successful at 26 and 1 angle"
"Successful at 26 and 2 angle"
"Successful at 26 and 3 angle"
"Successful at 26 and 4 angle"
"Successful at 26 and 5 angle"
How can i change it ? ( I have added the delatax value alaready, you can use it that)
Thanks a ton.
Rena Berman
Rena Berman 2024-1-4
(Answers Dev) Restored edit


回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022-7-12
Try this:
% Demo by Image Analyst
% Initialization Steps.
clc; % Clear the command window.
close all; % Close all figures (except those of imtool.)
clear; % Erase all existing variables. Or clearvars if you want.
workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing.
format long g;
format compact;
fontSize = 20;
deltax = [
5086085 0.0165703972540118; ... % (at 25 allPossibleV)
0.0133063614315573 0.0179011999654362] % (at 26 allPossibleV)
allPossibleV = [25 : 1 : 26]
for vIndex = 1 : length(allPossibleV)
V_new = allPossibleV(vIndex);
splitterangle = [0 : 1 : 5]
for k=1:n
for angleIndex = 1 : length(splitterangle)
angle_new = splitterangle(angleIndex)
opposite_side = sind(angle_new)*0.102;
separation_distance = opposite_side + 0.015;%
fprintf('X1 = %.3f. X2 = %.3f. X3 = %.3f. X1<X3 = %d, X2>X3 = %d.\n', X1, X2, X3, X1<X3, X2>X3)
if X1<X3 && X2>X3
fprintf(' Conditions met, so was successful at %d, and new_angle = %d degrees.\n', allPossibleV(k), angle_new)
fprintf(' Condition not met, so was unsuccessful at %d, and new_angle = %d degrees.\n', allPossibleV(k), angle_new)




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