Getting NaN while using the ratio of power and factorial
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With the following piece of code, I get NaN
a2= ((-sqrt(d))^lp);
a3 =((-sqrt(d))^l);
for m=0:500
a1= ((2^m)*(d^m))/(factorial(m))
Is there any way to modify the code to get rid of the issue?
1 个评论
James Tursa
Cross posted on stackoverflow and answered there over 4 hours ago. If you had simply checked the answer there you could have saved yourself the trouble of posting here and getting essentially the same answer.
回答(4 个)
Steven Lord
m = 500;
d = 200;
The numerator and denominator of your expression (for sufficiently large m) both overflow to inf. Dividing infinity by infinity results in a NaN.
numerator = 2^m*d^m
denominator = factorial(m)
x = numerator / denominator
One potential approach to avoid this is to avoid explicitly computing 2^m, d^m, or factorial(m).
numeratorVector = repmat(2*d, 1, m); % prod(numeratorVector) would effectively give numerator
denominatorVector = 1:m; % prod(denominatorVector) would effectively give denominator
xVector = numeratorVector./denominatorVector;
format longg
x2 = prod(xVector)
Let's check symbolically.
numeratorSymbolic = sym(2*d)^m;
vpa(numeratorSymbolic) % Pretty big
denominatorSymbolic = factorial(sym(m));
vpa(denominatorSymbolic) % Also pretty big
x3 = vpa(numeratorSymbolic/denominatorSymbolic) % Big but not quite as big as above
You could be a little more sophisticated / clever if you wanted (preemptively cancelling out factors of 2 in numeratorVector by dividing even values in denominatorVector by 2.) Or you could keep track of x for each value of m then figure out what you need to multiply it by to get x for the next value of m.
0 个评论
Benjamin Thompson
The factorial function output increases very fast as input increases. See "doc factorial" for details. The output is "inf" for input of 171 or larger.
1 个评论
Steven Lord
But 400^m overflows for m > 118 so this whole expression becomes infinite or undefined beyond that point.
d = 200;
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