This isn't the cleanest, but it works. I'm assuming that you always have some combination of 2 letters and then any amount of numbers after it.
TableNames = {'ID','Value'};
ID_Vals = [1;2];
Values = {'LH 1234';'QR1234'};
MyTable = table(ID_Vals,Values,'VariableNames',TableNames);
% Extract column and split it
ColVals = table2cell(MyTable(:,2));
SplitVals(:,1) = regexp(ColVals,'\w\w','match','once'); % look for 2 letters only
SplitVals(:,2) = regexp(ColVals,'\d+','match','once'); % look for a series of numbers only
% Add to table
MyTable.Letters = SplitVals(:,1); % place in table with the name Letters
MyTable.Numbers = SplitVals(:,2); % place in table with the name Numbers