- in any stretch of duplicates, the dates should be projected backwards one day for each entry, even if that causes duplicates? (for example if there was already a 9/15/19, then 9/16/19, 9/16/19 should be modified so the first 9/16/19 is changed to 9/15/19 even though there is already a 9/15/19 ?)
- in any stretch of duplicates, the dates should be shifted backwards to the first unused day, even if that causes the days to be out of order? (For example 9/13/19, 9/15/19, 9/16/19, 9/16/19 should move the first 9/16/19 to the unusued 9/14/19, resulting in 9/13/19, 9/15/19, 9/14/19, 9/16/19) ?
- in any stretch of duplicates, each one should be moved consequatively backwards, changing as many past dates as needed until there are no duplicates or out of order? For example 9/13/19, 9/15/19, 9/16/19, 9/16/19 should move to 9/13/19, 9/14/19, 9/15/19, 9/16/19 ?
How to change repeat dates that occur right after each other
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I'm running into some issues with a dataset that I have. So basically, for some reason, the service I used to collect the data is changing some of the dates to be repeats. Here is an example of what I'm talking about
So you will notice in this example that the 9/15 date is missing and that the 9/16/19 date is repeating twice. And you would be right. Through diagnosing the issue, I learned that the first 9/16/19 date is actually supposed to be 9/15/19 and the subject didn't actually submit two prompts that day. This is a very characteristic pattern throughout the dataset where there are a few lines that repeat for whatever reason.
What I want to do is take the first 9/16/19 line and turn it into 9/15/19.
This is of course just an example, but there are many points in the dataset I've attached where this issue recurs. If someone knows a way to fix it using a loop to address all the data in the dataset, please let me know. It'd be very tedious to have to go through linebyline of all my datasets and figure out a fix. Thanks in advance
In the specific dataset I attached, you can see the issue on line 237/238 first, and the next recurrence is at line 249/250 in case you need some examples!
6 个评论
Walter Roberson
You need to tell us the rule.
Thanks for asking, sorry about that. I should probably clarify.
The pattern that I showed in the example is the exact same pattern that repeats throughout the datatable. I will respond to each of your bulletpoints with #'s (first bullet point --> 1.)
The issue I was having was that for some days, the data gets mixed up and instead of there being one datapoint each day on 2 days, we get 2 datapoints on one day and no datapoints on the other day. This is the case with the 9/15/19 example where the data for that day accidentally gets considered as 9/16/19.
1. The way the data is setup, I originally used an outerjoin function so there will be a data point there that should be the one that is replaced. Here is an example of what I'm talking about:

The original script I ran was an outerjoin and basically, I instructed the script to create missing dates since sometimes the subjects don't submit prompts and it causes there to be lots of missing datapoints. OuterJoin assumes that since this data isn't here, I need to create an empty row in this spot with the date to serve as a place holder. So we want to replace this row (in this case 9/15/19) with the 9/16/19 row right after.
2) The way the data is set up, there won't be any unused dates because I used the outerjoin function. So basically, every single day possible that the subject was signed up for that study (say like 8/23 to 9/23), there is a day for. Even for a day like 9/15/19 where the date ends up going into 9/16/19, we have a 9/15/19 date that needs to be replaced by 9/16/19
3) I believe this is also addressed by the outerjoin function so there shouldn't be any missing dates at all in this dataset.
Apologies for the initial mixup, this definitely should've been addressed in the initial post but I'm glad you asked. Here is the part of my overall script that uses outerjoin in case you're interested.
%% Night Prompt
Data_EMA.StudyDate = datetime(Data_EMA.StudyDate, 'Format', 'M/d/yy');
%Load Night Prompt Data
Night_Prompt = readtable([root_folder filesep 'Night_Prompt.xlsx']);
Night_Prompt = sortrows(Night_Prompt,'UserId');
% Rename variables that have the same name across outputs
% Clean up entries so that all entries that should be numberic are.
for col = 22:size(Night_Prompt,2) % from column 22 onwards
x = Night_Prompt{:, col};
if iscell(x)
x = cellfun(@(v) sscanf(v, '%f'), x, 'UniformOutput', false);
Night_Prompt.(Night_Prompt.Properties.VariableNames{col}) = x;
Night_Prompt = addvars(Night_Prompt, Night_Prompt.Night_Prompt_SurveyStartedDate, 'Before', 'Night_Prompt_SurveyStartedTime');
T4 = outerjoin(Data_EMA, Night_Prompt ,'Keys' , {'StudyDate', 'MetricWireID'}, 'MergeKeys', true, 'Type', 'left');
T4 = sortrows(T4, {'MetricWireID'});
If you try to run this script, it might not work for you because it uses another dataset "Data_EMA" so if you want to try to run it, I've also attached it as a download to this comment. Let me know if there's anything else I need to clarify or if something is confusing in here
Yeah that's a good way to approach it.
for sub=1:length(Night_Prompt.MetricWireID)
for dates=1:length(SubjectDates)
TableRepeatIdentifiers = ...
This is sort of what I started with but I'm kind of lost on how to define a function that would say
if next date is a repeat
then replace it with 1-date
Cris LaPierre
Can you share the raw data? The Night_Prompt.xlsx file you shared has already been modified by the code you have shared.
Cris LaPierre
编辑:Cris LaPierre
Perhaps not the most straightforward way, but this appears to work for me on your processed Nightly_Prompt.xlsx data. Basically, it finds any locations where the data is the same and replaces the date with the date immediately preceeding it. It then deletes the row immediately preceeding it.
ind = hours(diff(Night_Prompt.StudyDate))==0;
Night_Prompt.StudyDate([ind; false]) = Night_Prompt.StudyDate([ind(2:end); false; false]);
Night_Prompt([ind(2:end); false; false],:) = []
You could probably follow a similar approach with the raw data.
6 个评论
Cris LaPierre
I also don't understand why you are using addvars. The variable already exists in the table. Perhaps you want movevars? However, at least in the file you have shared, it is already in the desired location, too.
Thanks a lot for doing this, really appreciate it! This was really helpful. I just had one question, did you run this function after my outerjoin script or was it run before? I'm running into a few issues
One thing that I was running into an issue with in the code you wrote is that it is only deleting the repeat date, it isn't replacing the repeat date with the date preceding it. What the code is actually doing is it is taking it 2 days back, so for example:
This is the table before you run the code. Notice the times that are associated with each date as they will show you that the repeated dates aren't lost, but there is a new row that is created.

Now here is after the code is run:

Now there are a few things you will notice here. The first is what I mentioned earlier, which is that the date that is created is actually going 2 days back instead of just becoming the preceding day. The second thing is that we're actually losing data (line 172) which becomes the 28 Sep date but we don't have another 28-Sep that was in the original data. You can look at the times in the very next column to look at which data points are kept/deleted.
Not sure if you know what's going on but if you do, it'd be really helpful if you could let me know.
As for the addvars thing, I had to do it because when I do an outerjoin, the variable it uses (StudyDate) is actually being lost because there is an identical variable in the other table and the way I have the function setup, the outerjoin merges the key variables I use. Now you might be thinking, why wouldn't I just use the StudyDate from the Data_EMA because it's literally the exact same thing. And that is a good question that I don't have the answer to lol, so I guess I'll be deleting that.
Thanks again!
Cris LaPierre
This was run on the processed file, which, for example, has data for the 17th, and empty row for the 18th, and then two rows of data for the 18th.

Here's an explanation of the code that changes the date. Note that I made several assumptions.
- the data is sorted first by uiserId, and then by StudyDate
- The last StudyDate for one userId is never the same as the first date for the next userId
- All users have at leaset 2 rows of data
- The duplicate date is never the first date for a user
- The duplicate datees are always preceded by an 'empty' row with the 'missing' StudyDate
% Find the first rows of any duplicate dates
ind = hours(diff(Night_Prompt.StudyDate))==0;
% Replace the first rows with the date of the preceding row
Night_Prompt.StudyDate([ind; false]) = Night_Prompt.StudyDate([ind(2:end); false; false]);
% Delete the preceding row
Night_Prompt([ind(2:end); false; false],:) = []
As your images show, these assumptions don't all hold for the raw data, so a different approach would be needed. The challenge I found is that, in your raw data, one user has duplicate submissions 3 times in a row. I am unsure how to fix that. It looks like you could just make it 7/1-7/6, but note that the data for 7/7 is a different UserId.

Anyway, identifying the duplicates is similar as before, only now I would subtract 1 day from the first rows. No need to delete rows.
% Find duplicate rows *for the same UserId*
ind = hours(diff(Night_Prompt.Night_Prompt_SurveyStartedDate))==0 & ...
% Adjust the date of the first row by subtracting 1 day
Night_Prompt.Night_Prompt_SurveyStartedDate([ind; false]) = ...
Night_Prompt.Night_Prompt_SurveyStartedDate([ind; false])-caldays(1);
Thanks so much for explaining it too, I really appreciate it. When you ran the code, did it run for you? I'm in 2022a and for some reason, I'm getting an error code:
"Operator '==' is not supported for operands of type 'cell'."
This is the code I'm running
%% Create Data_EMA
% Subject ID and Dates
DX = readtable([root_folder filesep 'EMA_Study_1.xlsx']);
DX = sortrows(DX,{'SubID'});
Data_EMA = table;
for i=1:length(DX.SubID)
Temp = cellstr(datestr([datetime(DX.StartDate(i)):datetime(DX.EndDate(i))]','mm/dd/yy'));
Temp2 = [repmat(DX(i,:),length(Temp),1) array2table(Temp,'VariableName',{'StudyDate'})];
Data_EMA = [Data_EMA; Temp2];
Data_EMA = sortrows(Data_EMA,{'SubID'});
StudyDay = days(datetime(cellstr(datestr(Data_EMA.StudyDate,'mm/dd/yy'))) - ...
Data_EMA = [Data_EMA(:,[1:4]) array2table(StudyDay,'VariableNames',{'StudyDay'}) Data_EMA(:,[5:end])];
%% NightPrompt
Data_EMA.StudyDate = datetime(Data_EMA.StudyDate, 'Format', 'M/d/yy');
%Load Night Prompt Data
Night_Prompt = readtable([root_folder filesep 'Night_Prompt.xlsx']);
Night_Prompt = sortrows(Night_Prompt,'UserId');
% Rename variables that have the same name across outputs
% Clean up entries so that all entries that should be numberic are.
for col = 22:size(Night_Prompt,2) % from column 22 onwards
x = Night_Prompt{:, col};
if iscell(x)
x = cellfun(@(v) sscanf(v, '%f'), x, 'UniformOutput', false);
Night_Prompt.(Night_Prompt.Properties.VariableNames{col}) = x;
Night_Prompt = addvars(Night_Prompt, Night_Prompt.Night_Prompt_SurveyStartedDate, 'Before', 'Night_Prompt_SurveyStartedTime');
T4 = outerjoin(Data_EMA, Night_Prompt ,'Keys' , {'StudyDate', 'MetricWireID'}, 'MergeKeys', true, 'Type', 'left');
T4 = sortrows(T4, {'MetricWireID'});
% Find duplicate rows *for the same UserId*
ind = hours(diff(Night_Prompt.Night_Prompt_SurveyStartedDate))==0 & ...
% Adjust the date of the first row by subtracting 1 day
Night_Prompt.Night_Prompt_SurveyStartedDate([ind; false]) = ...
Night_Prompt.Night_Prompt_SurveyStartedDate([ind; false])-caldays(1);
Cris LaPierre
I did. Here is the code I ran. I think the trick is that I specity the 'TextType' as 'string'.
opts = detectImportOptions("Data_EMA.xlsx");
opts = setvartype(opts,"StudyDate","datetime");
opts = setvaropts(opts,"StudyDate",'InputFormat','MM/dd/yy');
Data_EMA = readtable('Data_EMA.xlsx',opts)
Data_EMA = 2223×8 table
StartDate EndDate SubID Group StudyDay MetricWireID Protocol StudyDate
___________ ___________ _________ _______ ________ ____________________________ ________ _________
19-May-2021 15-Jun-2021 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 1 {'60a4073a4a311034d36fa37c'} 2 05/19/21
19-May-2021 15-Jun-2021 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 2 {'60a4073a4a311034d36fa37c'} 2 05/20/21
19-May-2021 15-Jun-2021 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 3 {'60a4073a4a311034d36fa37c'} 2 05/21/21
19-May-2021 15-Jun-2021 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 4 {'60a4073a4a311034d36fa37c'} 2 05/22/21
19-May-2021 15-Jun-2021 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 5 {'60a4073a4a311034d36fa37c'} 2 05/23/21
19-May-2021 15-Jun-2021 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 6 {'60a4073a4a311034d36fa37c'} 2 05/24/21
19-May-2021 15-Jun-2021 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 7 {'60a4073a4a311034d36fa37c'} 2 05/25/21
19-May-2021 15-Jun-2021 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 8 {'60a4073a4a311034d36fa37c'} 2 05/26/21
19-May-2021 15-Jun-2021 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 9 {'60a4073a4a311034d36fa37c'} 2 05/27/21
19-May-2021 15-Jun-2021 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 10 {'60a4073a4a311034d36fa37c'} 2 05/28/21
19-May-2021 15-Jun-2021 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 11 {'60a4073a4a311034d36fa37c'} 2 05/29/21
19-May-2021 15-Jun-2021 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 12 {'60a4073a4a311034d36fa37c'} 2 05/30/21
19-May-2021 15-Jun-2021 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 13 {'60a4073a4a311034d36fa37c'} 2 05/31/21
19-May-2021 15-Jun-2021 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 14 {'60a4073a4a311034d36fa37c'} 2 06/01/21
19-May-2021 15-Jun-2021 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 15 {'60a4073a4a311034d36fa37c'} 2 06/02/21
19-May-2021 15-Jun-2021 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 16 {'60a4073a4a311034d36fa37c'} 2 06/03/21
%Load Night Prompt Data
Night_Prompt = readtable('Night_Prompt.xlsx','TextType','string'); % <------- SET HERE
Night_Prompt = sortrows(Night_Prompt,'UserId');
% Rename variables that have the same name across outputs
Night_Prompt = 1391×58 table
ResponseId ResponseType MetricWireID StudyId SurveyId SurveyName Night_Prompt_SurveyStartedDate Night_Prompt_SurveyStartedTime Night_Prompt_SurveySubmittedDate Night_Prompt_SurveySubmittedTime TimeZone TriggerId TriggerDate TriggerTime TriggerName TriggerIndex DeviceOS DeviceOSVersion AppVersion SubmissionLocation DidYouDoAnyOfTheFollowingToday_TookYourOpioidMedication_methado DidYouDoAnyOfTheFollowingToday_SpokeTo_orSaw_YourTherapist_ DidYouDoAnyOfTheFollowingToday_AttendedGroupTherapy_meeting_ DidYouDoAnyOfTheFollowingTodaySinceYourLastPrompt_ HowManyBagsOrPillsDidYouUse_ HowMuchMoney_sWorthOfCocaineDidYouHave_ HowManyDrinksDidYouHave__OneDrinkIsACanOfBeer_AGlassOfWine_ASho HowManyJointsDidYouHave_ HowManyBenzodiazepine_orBenzos_PillsDidYouHave_ WhatDidYouUse_ DidYouDoAnyOfTheFollowingToday_DidSomethingDangerousAsAWayToTem DidYouDoAnyOfTheFollowingToday_ShareNeedlesOrWorks_ DidYouDoAnyOfTheFollowingToday_HadUnprotectedSex_ DidYouDoAnyOfTheFollowingToday_TookADrugFromANewOrUnknownSource DidYouDoAnyOfTheFollowingToday_UsedMoreThanIIntended_ HowMuchStressDidYouHaveInTheFollowingAreasToday_YourFinancialSi HowMuchStressDidYouHaveInTheFollowingAreasToday_YourLoveLife_ HowMuchStressDidYouHaveInTheFollowingAreasToday_YourRelationshi HowMuchStressDidYouHaveInTheFollowingAreasToday_YourRelations_1 HowMuchStressDidYouHaveInTheFollowingAreasToday_School_work_ HowMuchStressDidYouHaveInTheFollowingAreasToday_YourLegalSituat HowMuchStressDidYouHaveInTheFollowingAreasToday_YourHealth_ HowMuchStressDidYouHaveInTheFollowingAreasToday_YourDayOverall_ ThroughTheDayToday_HowMuchDidYouFeel_SupportedByThePeopleInYour HowMuchDoYouBelieveThisStatement_TomorrowWillBeABetterDayThanTo HowMuchDoYouBelieveThisStatement_MyLifeIsMeaningful_ TodayOverallIHadPleasant_positive_SocialInteractions_ IsThereAnythingElseOfNoteThatHappenedToday_GoodOrBad_ IfYouHaveBeenPrescribedOtherMedications_DidYouTakeThoseOtherMed DELETED_QUESTION DELETED_QUESTION_1 DELETED_QUESTION_2 DELETED_QUESTION_3 DELETED_QUESTION_4 DELETED_QUESTION_5 DELETED_QUESTION_6 DELETED_QUESTION_7 DELETED_QUESTION_8
__________________________ ____________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ ______________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________ __________________________ ___________ ___________ __________________ ____________ ________ _______________ ____________ __________________ _______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________ _______________________________________________ ______________ _______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
"62295c789ce0ce50d1ebcd61" "Submission" "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" 09-Mar-2022 "21:00:08" 09-Mar-2022 "21:03:36" "-5:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 09-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 1 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "Yes" "Yes" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN "Yes" "No" "No" "No" "No" 73 "62" "19" "55" "72" "55" 52 54 61 52 59 "Yes" "no" <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> NaN
"622aadb257ab90e887b0c829" "Submission" "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" 10-Mar-2022 "21:00:14" 10-Mar-2022 "21:02:25" "-5:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 10-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 2 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "Yes" "Yes" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN "No" "No" "No" "No" "No" 65 "59" "18" "49" "45" "15" 38 44 49 68 55 "Yes" "couples counseling started" <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> NaN
"622bff1de2720180db350ac6" "Submission" "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" 11-Mar-2022 "21:00:07" 11-Mar-2022 "21:02:04" "-5:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 11-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 3 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "No" "No" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN "No" "No" "No" "No" "No" 70 "17" "14" "35" "73" "23" 53 53 54 28 31 "Yes" "n/a" <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> NaN
"622d51d9a87238437f8f05fb" "Submission" "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" 12-Mar-2022 "21:03:14" 12-Mar-2022 "21:04:55" "-5:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 12-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 4 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "No" "No" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN "No" "No" "No" "No" "No" 73 "53" "18" "25" "80" "6" 25 NaN 48 22 33 "Yes" "miss clinic which means I miss Saturday and Sunday dose" <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> NaN
"622fc93ceb2b032e050e82db" "Submission" "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" 13-Mar-2022 "21:15:07" 13-Mar-2022 "21:16:41" "-4:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 13-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 5 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "No" "No" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN "No" "No" "No" "No" "No" 45 "52" "61" "53" "55" "62" 56 56 59 59 60 "Yes" "didn’t feel well" <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> NaN
"622fe95d668d4360b2527222" "Submission" "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" 14-Mar-2022 "21:15:15" 14-Mar-2022 "21:18:20" "-4:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 14-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 6 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "No" "Yes" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN "No" "No" "No" "No" "No" 58 "31" "46" "36" "73" "13" 64 58 70 39 48 "Yes" "clinic drama" <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> NaN
"62313de36450cf99ddac2885" "Submission" "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" 15-Mar-2022 "21:15:17" 15-Mar-2022 "21:31:14" "-4:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 15-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 7 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "Yes" "Yes" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN "No" "No" "No" "No" "No" 76 "25" "99" "46" "77" "18" 35 54 56 31 24 "Yes" "clinic reinstated" <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> NaN
"6233500e141c1df0920ab8a4" "Submission" "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" 16-Mar-2022 "21:00:06" 16-Mar-2022 "21:02:13" "-4:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 16-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 8 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "Yes" "Yes" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN "No" "No" "No" "No" "No" 40 "38" "35" "19" "45" "18" 45 18 42 38 32 "Yes" "ema payment" <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> NaN
"6233db4ce9f1cf1c2094badf" "Submission" "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" 17-Mar-2022 "21:05:08" 17-Mar-2022 "21:07:01" "-4:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 17-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 9 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "Yes" "No" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN "No" "No" "No" "Yes" "No" 76 "23" "21" "49" "30" "9" 77 71 69 52 29 "Yes" "cleaned whole house" <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> NaN
"62352b6bf6d02cf4e23cf823" "Submission" "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" 18-Mar-2022 "21:00:17" 18-Mar-2022 "21:01:30" "-4:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 18-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 10 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "Yes" "Yes" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN "No" "No" "No" "No" "No" 58 "62" "50 - Moderately" "54" "58" "35" 34 49 30 41 54 "Yes" "n/a" <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> NaN
"6237ce618a28d169ba509415" "Submission" "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" 20-Mar-2022 "21:00:10" 20-Mar-2022 "21:01:21" "-4:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 20-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 12 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "No" "No" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN "No" "No" "No" "No" "No" 78 "23" "53" "56" "74" "58" 52 45 54 NaN 55 "No" "none" <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> NaN
"6239248308460b617d0a3a1b" "Submission" "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" 21-Mar-2022 "21:15:06" 21-Mar-2022 "21:20:28" "-4:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 21-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 13 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "Yes" "No" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN "No" "No" "No" "No" "No" 14 "64" "25" "53" "27" "68" 22 49 41 51 48 "Yes" "none" <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> NaN
"623a71dda6be9a84d555a9bc" "Submission" "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" 22-Mar-2022 "21:00:43" 22-Mar-2022 "21:03:25" "-4:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 22-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 14 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "Yes" "Yes" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN "No" "No" "No" "No" "No" 69 "32" "56" "49" "69" "24" 49 26 NaN 51 38 "Yes" "nothing" <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> NaN
"623bc87600f3ac8298e02095" "Submission" "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" 23-Mar-2022 "21:24:14" 23-Mar-2022 "21:25:09" "-4:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 23-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 15 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "Yes" "No" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN "No" "No" "No" "No" "No" 26 "55" "24" "61" "17" "50 - Moderately" 25 48 35 58 33 "Yes" "none" <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> NaN
"623d1548beb4cdaefb69b394" "Submission" "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" 24-Mar-2022 "21:03:34" 24-Mar-2022 "21:05:10" "-4:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 24-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 16 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "Yes" "No" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN "No" "No" "No" "No" "No" 56 "31" "52" "41" "67" "15" 56 51 51 44 58 "Yes" "work reprimand" <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> NaN
"623e6983107aac8029c259ee" "Submission" "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" 25-Mar-2022 "21:15:12" 25-Mar-2022 "21:16:50" "-4:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 25-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 17 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "Yes" "No" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN "No" "No" "No" "No" "No" 69 "22" "53" "42" "61" "13" 55 58 49 39 43 "Yes" "none" <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> NaN
% Clean up entries so that all entries that should be numberic are.
Night_Prompt = convertvars(Night_Prompt,23:width(Night_Prompt),'double');
% MY CODE - Preview duplicates
ind = hours(diff(Night_Prompt.Night_Prompt_SurveyStartedDate))==0 & Night_Prompt.MetricWireID(1:end-1)==Night_Prompt.MetricWireID(2:end);
[Night_Prompt.Night_Prompt_SurveyStartedDate([ind(2:end); false; false]), Night_Prompt.Night_Prompt_SurveyStartedDate([ind; false]), Night_Prompt.Night_Prompt_SurveyStartedDate([false; ind])]
ans = 5×3 datetime array
17-Sep-2020 19-Sep-2020 19-Sep-2020
28-Sep-2020 30-Sep-2020 30-Sep-2020
30-Jun-2021 02-Jul-2021 02-Jul-2021
02-Jul-2021 03-Jul-2021 03-Jul-2021
03-Jul-2021 04-Jul-2021 04-Jul-2021
% Change dates
Night_Prompt.Night_Prompt_SurveyStartedDate([ind; false]) = Night_Prompt.Night_Prompt_SurveyStartedDate([ind; false])-caldays(1);
T4 = outerjoin(Data_EMA, Night_Prompt ,'Keys' , {'StudyDate', 'MetricWireID'}, 'MergeKeys', true, 'Type', 'left');
T4 = sortrows(T4, {'MetricWireID'})
T4 = 2225×64 table
StartDate EndDate SubID Group StudyDay MetricWireID Protocol StudyDate ResponseId ResponseType StudyId SurveyId SurveyName Night_Prompt_SurveyStartedTime Night_Prompt_SurveySubmittedDate Night_Prompt_SurveySubmittedTime TimeZone TriggerId TriggerDate TriggerTime TriggerName TriggerIndex DeviceOS DeviceOSVersion AppVersion SubmissionLocation DidYouDoAnyOfTheFollowingToday_TookYourOpioidMedication_methado DidYouDoAnyOfTheFollowingToday_SpokeTo_orSaw_YourTherapist_ DidYouDoAnyOfTheFollowingToday_AttendedGroupTherapy_meeting_ DidYouDoAnyOfTheFollowingTodaySinceYourLastPrompt_ HowManyBagsOrPillsDidYouUse_ HowMuchMoney_sWorthOfCocaineDidYouHave_ HowManyDrinksDidYouHave__OneDrinkIsACanOfBeer_AGlassOfWine_ASho HowManyJointsDidYouHave_ HowManyBenzodiazepine_orBenzos_PillsDidYouHave_ WhatDidYouUse_ DidYouDoAnyOfTheFollowingToday_DidSomethingDangerousAsAWayToTem DidYouDoAnyOfTheFollowingToday_ShareNeedlesOrWorks_ DidYouDoAnyOfTheFollowingToday_HadUnprotectedSex_ DidYouDoAnyOfTheFollowingToday_TookADrugFromANewOrUnknownSource DidYouDoAnyOfTheFollowingToday_UsedMoreThanIIntended_ HowMuchStressDidYouHaveInTheFollowingAreasToday_YourFinancialSi HowMuchStressDidYouHaveInTheFollowingAreasToday_YourLoveLife_ HowMuchStressDidYouHaveInTheFollowingAreasToday_YourRelationshi HowMuchStressDidYouHaveInTheFollowingAreasToday_YourRelations_1 HowMuchStressDidYouHaveInTheFollowingAreasToday_School_work_ HowMuchStressDidYouHaveInTheFollowingAreasToday_YourLegalSituat HowMuchStressDidYouHaveInTheFollowingAreasToday_YourHealth_ HowMuchStressDidYouHaveInTheFollowingAreasToday_YourDayOverall_ ThroughTheDayToday_HowMuchDidYouFeel_SupportedByThePeopleInYour HowMuchDoYouBelieveThisStatement_TomorrowWillBeABetterDayThanTo HowMuchDoYouBelieveThisStatement_MyLifeIsMeaningful_ TodayOverallIHadPleasant_positive_SocialInteractions_ IsThereAnythingElseOfNoteThatHappenedToday_GoodOrBad_ IfYouHaveBeenPrescribedOtherMedications_DidYouTakeThoseOtherMed DELETED_QUESTION DELETED_QUESTION_1 DELETED_QUESTION_2 DELETED_QUESTION_3 DELETED_QUESTION_4 DELETED_QUESTION_5 DELETED_QUESTION_6 DELETED_QUESTION_7 DELETED_QUESTION_8
___________ ___________ _________ _______ ________ __________________________ ________ _________ __________________________ ____________ __________________________ __________________________ ______________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ _________ __________________________ ___________ ___________ __________________ ____________ _________ _______________ ____________ __________________ _______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________ _______________________________________________ ______________ _______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
09-Mar-2022 06-Apr-2022 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 1 "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" 2 03/09/22 "62295c789ce0ce50d1ebcd61" "Submission" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" "21:00:08" 09-Mar-2022 "21:03:36" "-5:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 09-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 1 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "Yes" "Yes" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 73 62 19 55 72 55 52 54 61 52 59 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
09-Mar-2022 06-Apr-2022 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 2 "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" 2 03/10/22 "622aadb257ab90e887b0c829" "Submission" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" "21:00:14" 10-Mar-2022 "21:02:25" "-5:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 10-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 2 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "Yes" "Yes" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 65 59 18 49 45 15 38 44 49 68 55 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
09-Mar-2022 06-Apr-2022 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 3 "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" 2 03/11/22 "622bff1de2720180db350ac6" "Submission" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" "21:00:07" 11-Mar-2022 "21:02:04" "-5:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 11-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 3 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "No" "No" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 70 17 14 35 73 23 53 53 54 28 31 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
09-Mar-2022 06-Apr-2022 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 4 "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" 2 03/12/22 "622d51d9a87238437f8f05fb" "Submission" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" "21:03:14" 12-Mar-2022 "21:04:55" "-5:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 12-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 4 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "No" "No" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 73 53 18 25 80 6 25 NaN 48 22 33 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
09-Mar-2022 06-Apr-2022 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 5 "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" 2 03/13/22 "622fc93ceb2b032e050e82db" "Submission" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" "21:15:07" 13-Mar-2022 "21:16:41" "-4:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 13-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 5 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "No" "No" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 45 52 61 53 55 62 56 56 59 59 60 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
09-Mar-2022 06-Apr-2022 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 6 "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" 2 03/14/22 "622fe95d668d4360b2527222" "Submission" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" "21:15:15" 14-Mar-2022 "21:18:20" "-4:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 14-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 6 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "No" "Yes" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 58 31 46 36 73 13 64 58 70 39 48 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
09-Mar-2022 06-Apr-2022 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 7 "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" 2 03/15/22 "62313de36450cf99ddac2885" "Submission" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" "21:15:17" 15-Mar-2022 "21:31:14" "-4:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 15-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 7 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "Yes" "Yes" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 76 25 99 46 77 18 35 54 56 31 24 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
09-Mar-2022 06-Apr-2022 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 8 "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" 2 03/16/22 "6233500e141c1df0920ab8a4" "Submission" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" "21:00:06" 16-Mar-2022 "21:02:13" "-4:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 16-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 8 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "Yes" "Yes" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 40 38 35 19 45 18 45 18 42 38 32 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
09-Mar-2022 06-Apr-2022 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 9 "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" 2 03/17/22 "6233db4ce9f1cf1c2094badf" "Submission" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" "21:05:08" 17-Mar-2022 "21:07:01" "-4:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 17-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 9 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "Yes" "No" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 76 23 21 49 30 9 77 71 69 52 29 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
09-Mar-2022 06-Apr-2022 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 10 "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" 2 03/18/22 "62352b6bf6d02cf4e23cf823" "Submission" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" "21:00:17" 18-Mar-2022 "21:01:30" "-4:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 18-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 10 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "Yes" "Yes" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 58 62 NaN 54 58 35 34 49 30 41 54 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
09-Mar-2022 06-Apr-2022 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 11 "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" 2 03/19/22 <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> NaT <missing> <missing> <missing> NaT <missing> <missing> NaN <missing> NaN <missing> <missing> <missing> <missing> NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
09-Mar-2022 06-Apr-2022 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 12 "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" 2 03/20/22 "6237ce618a28d169ba509415" "Submission" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" "21:00:10" 20-Mar-2022 "21:01:21" "-4:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 20-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 12 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "No" "No" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 78 23 53 56 74 58 52 45 54 NaN 55 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
09-Mar-2022 06-Apr-2022 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 13 "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" 2 03/21/22 "6239248308460b617d0a3a1b" "Submission" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" "21:15:06" 21-Mar-2022 "21:20:28" "-4:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 21-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 13 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "Yes" "No" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 14 64 25 53 27 68 22 49 41 51 48 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
09-Mar-2022 06-Apr-2022 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 14 "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" 2 03/22/22 "623a71dda6be9a84d555a9bc" "Submission" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" "21:00:43" 22-Mar-2022 "21:03:25" "-4:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 22-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 14 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "Yes" "Yes" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 69 32 56 49 69 24 49 26 NaN 51 38 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
09-Mar-2022 06-Apr-2022 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 15 "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" 2 03/23/22 "623bc87600f3ac8298e02095" "Submission" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" "21:24:14" 23-Mar-2022 "21:25:09" "-4:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 23-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 15 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "Yes" "No" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 26 55 24 61 17 NaN 25 48 35 58 33 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
09-Mar-2022 06-Apr-2022 2.176e+07 {'OUD'} 16 "5e617d2afddfbe07f6e838ca" 2 03/24/22 "623d1548beb4cdaefb69b394" "Submission" "5df13e7726139735c684868b" "5df13f3826139735c6848801" "Night Prompt" "21:03:34" 24-Mar-2022 "21:05:10" "-4:00" "5f5159955e42834858a38f2e" 24-Mar-2022 "21:00:00" "SCHEDULE Trigger" 16 "iOS" NaN "04.09.0008" "0.00000,0.00000" "Yes" "No" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 56 31 52 41 67 15 56 51 51 44 58 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
Wow this is great. Thank you so much for your help! I can't thank you enough for doing this. Really really appreciate it!
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