error while copying excel sheet to another excel
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1.Read the two cells from Result Summary Excel
2. Combine two cells of Result summary Excel, It will give us Sheet name
3. Create Dummy Excel file
4. Search sheet name in desired location of Excels
5. Copy those sheet
6. Paste into Dummy Excel file with name.
Repeat 1 to 6 untill lenth of 2nd step's array data.
function [sheetIdx] = IncDecAnalysis()
selPath = uigetdir(pwd,' Please select the target folder');
oldPath = pwd;
%% Creating New Folder to store result
folder = 'NewSfun_SummaryResult';
if ~exist(folder, 'dir')
newPath = uigetdir(pwd,' Please select NewSfun_SummaryResult Folder');
newPath = uigetdir(pwd,' Please select NewSfun_SummaryResult Folder');
%% Reference Exel
[file,path] = uigetfile('*.xlsx','SelectSummaryResult Excel File');
if isequal(file,0)
disp('Select Summary Excel');
disp(['User selected ', fullfile(path,file)]);
%Excel Sheet name being collected here from two cells.
newlyAdded = readtable('SummaryResult.xlsx', 'Sheet', 'aaa', 'Range','A2:P8','TextType','string');
Newlyaddednames = string(newlyAdded.BLFFileName) + "_" + num2str(newlyAdded.Time_sec_);
%Here Excel file like 'aaa' 'bbb'... will be having those sheet Names which will be at Newlyaddednames
selNewPath = uigetdir(pwd,'Please select ALL NEW Summary Result Path');
newSumPath = pwd;
chkNewExcelList = ["aaa","bbb", ...
"ccc","ddd", ...
for i=1:length(chkNewExcelList)
excelFile = strcat(chkNewExcelList(i),'.xlsx');
excelName= fullfile(selNewPath,excelFile);
if isfile(excelName)
sheets = sheetnames(excelName);
% idx = ismember(Newlyaddednames, sheets, 'rows' );
idx = Newlyaddednames();
%newidx = cell( size(idx));
% idxSize = size(idx);
T = table;
fname = excelFile;
movefile (fname, newPath)
for j= 1:length(idx)
newidx = idx(j);
excelFile1 = fname;
excelName1 = fullfile(newPath,excelFile1);
Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application'); %start excel
Workbooks = Excel.Workbooks;
wbsource = Workbooks.Open(excelName);
wbdest = Workbooks.Open(excelName1);
Sheets = Excel.ActiveWorkBook.Sheets;
ws = wbsource.WorkSheets.Item(newidx);
DuplicateExcelSheet(wbdest, ws, newidx) %---> functioin calling, not sure whether it is correct way or not
%wbdest.Save %--->Commented because thowing error
Excel.Quit %quit excel
function DuplicateExcelSheet(wbdest, ws, newidx)
% Duplicates the specified sheet in the active workbook
% and gives it the specified new name.
% Sample call:
% Excel_utils.DuplicateExcelSheet(Excel, 'Results1', 'Results2');
% Duplicate the 'Results' workbook.
Sheets = wbdest.sheets;
for sheetIndex = 1 : Sheets.count
% Get the name of the worksheet with this sheet index.
thisName = Sheets.Item(sheetIndex).Name;
if strcmpi(thisName, ws)
% We found the sheet to copy.
Sheets.Item(sheetIndex).Activate; % Guessing this may be one not needed --dpb
% Run code from Mathworks technical support, on 11/9/2018, to duplicate a sheet.
MathWorks = get(Sheets, 'Item', sheetIndex);
MathWorks.Copy([], MathWorks);
Sheets.Item(sheetIndex+1).Name = newidx;
% this looks like ill-fated first try -- dpb
% copiedSheetName = sprintf('%s (2)', sourceSheetName); % For example "Results 1 (2)"
% Sheets(copiedSheetName).Select
% Sheets(copiedSheetName).Name = newSheetName;
catch ME
errorMessage = sprintf('Error in function DuplicateExcelSheet.\n\nError Message:\n%s', ME.message);
fprintf('%s\n', errorMessage);
return; % from DuplicateExcelSheet
end % of the DuplicateExcelSheet() method.
Error Message:
Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type.
Error in function DuplicateExcelSheet.
Error Message:
Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type.
Thank you
Please let me know for brief
4 个评论
Walter Roberson
wbdest = Workbooks.Open(excelName1);
What result do you get if that fails?
What result do you get if that file does not exist yet because this is the first sheet to be transferred to it?
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