please fix the error

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Aisha Kohli
Aisha Kohli 2022-8-9
%Comparison of Smoking against Age & Gender
x = cell2mat(heart_failure(:,1));
y = cell2mat(heart_failure(:,11));
g = cell2mat(heart_failure(:,10));
gscatter(x,y,g,'rkgb','o*',8,'on','Age of patients','Smoking')
axis([20 100 -1 2])
title("Smoking Against Gender")

回答(1 个)

Piyush Dubey
Piyush Dubey 2023-9-7
编辑:Piyush Dubey 2023-9-7
Hi Aisha,
I understand that you are trying to run a code that involves conversion of cell array to an ordinary array and while performing this operation you are facing an error.
Please know that the function cell2mat accepts only cell arrays as inputs and in the code snippet it is unclear if the returned value is of cell array datatype or not.
If the returned datatype is of any format other than cell array, then it can be converted to cell array just by a slight modification of wrapping the value in curly braces.
X = cell2mat({heart_failure(:,1)})
Please refer to the following MathWorks documentation link for more information on “cell2mat” method:
Hope this helps.


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