Generating RF filter obj from filter data
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I am trying to generate an rf filter object in order to generate S parameters with the sparameter function. I have access to the exact frequency, magnitude and group delay values of an RF filter and do not want to approximate the data ideally. I am unable to find any function or any design specification within the rffilter that can allow me to create the filter from my data. Am I missing some function that can do this? is there an alternative to the rffilter that I can use to generate the s parameters from my data?
Thank you for your help.
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Sachin Lodhi
Hi Hayden,
Based on my understanding, it seems that you are seeking guidance in generating an RF filter object using custom data. In this case, I recommend using the 'rffilter' function, which allows you to generate a rffilter object.
With the 'rffilter' object, you can specify the necessary parameters using name-value pairs as follows:
robj = rffilter('ResponseType','Bandpass','Implementation','LC Tee');
Additionally, you can utilize the 'groupdelay' and 'set' methods to set the specific parameters of the RF filter.
gd = groupdelay(robj,freq);
By leveraging these functionalities, you should be able to create the desired RF filter object using custom data. To gain a deeper understanding of the ‘rffilter’ and its associated functions, I recommend referring to the following documentation link:
I hope you find this information useful.
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