Get the data points after smoothening the plot

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I have 2 columns and 2388 rows.
I have plotted a graph with input column as y-axis and time as x-axis.
plot(table{3:2388,1}, {3:2388,2});
Then I smoothened the plot and obtained a graph as shown below.
smooth_curve = smoothdata(table{3:2388,2});
plot(table{3:2388,1}, smooth_curve);
How can I get the input(table{3:2388,2}) datapoints after smoothening the graph.


Star Strider
Star Strider 2022-8-12
I am not certain what you are asking.
Try this —
T1 = readtable('')
T1 = 2388×2 table
TIME INPUT ______ ________ 203.24 -9e-05 203.26 -9e-05 203.28 -9e-05 203.3 -9e-05 203.33 -9e-05 203.35 -9e-05 203.37 -9e-05 203.39 -0.00024 203.41 -9e-05 203.44 -0.00024 203.46 -0.00024 203.48 -0.00024 203.5 -0.00024 203.53 -0.00024 203.55 -0.00024 203.57 -0.00045
% smooth_curve = smoothdata(T1{3:2388,2});
smooth_curve = smoothdata(T1.INPUT);
T1 = addvars(T1,smooth_curve) % Add 'smooth_curve' To 'T1'
T1 = 2388×3 table
TIME INPUT smooth_curve ______ ________ ____________ 203.24 -9e-05 -0.0021584 203.26 -9e-05 -0.00219 203.28 -9e-05 -0.002221 203.3 -9e-05 -0.0022515 203.33 -9e-05 -0.0022862 203.35 -9e-05 -0.0023203 203.37 -9e-05 -0.0023538 203.39 -0.00024 -0.0023866 203.41 -9e-05 -0.0024189 203.44 -0.00024 -0.0024461 203.46 -0.00024 -0.0024773 203.48 -0.00024 -0.002508 203.5 -0.00024 -0.0025382 203.53 -0.00024 -0.0025679 203.55 -0.00024 -0.0025971 203.57 -0.00045 -0.0026258
VN = T1.Properties.VariableNames;
plot(T1.TIME, T1.INPUT, 'DisplayName',VN{2})
hold on
plot(T1.TIME, T1.smooth_curve, 'DisplayName',strrep(VN{3},'_','\_')) % 'Escape' The Underline So It Prints Correctly In Tne 'legend'
hold off

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